We are tackling what we believe are the biggest systemic problems that the humanitarian sector faces
Start Network’s vision is for a locally-led humanitarian system that is accountable to people affected by and at-risk of crises
We aim to achieve this vision by making systemic-level shifts in the way humanitarian assistance is approached and delivered
To achieve this, we need a substantial change to the current structure evolving from the centralised structure of today to a dispersed, global network of hubs operating nationally and/ or regionally
We aim to:
Shift power and decentralise decision-making to locally led networks and organisations
Create a global humanitarian financing system that is increasing focused on reducing risk, anticipating and action ahead of predictable crises
Support a culture of learning and support communities to develop innovative solutions to humanitarian problems
The Start Network is at a critical point in its journey
We have grown and diversified our membership over the past 10 years
We are evolving into a decentralised “network of networks” in line with our vision.
We are currently working with five national and regional hubs made up of civil society organisations in Pakistan, DRC, Guatemala, India and the Pacific
They are defining their own change agenda and testing their own locally owned pathways to realising the change they want to see
We aim to support the emergence and development of further hubs in the coming years
Our ultimate ambition is to devolve leadership, membership, programming and decision making to the hubs, while the central team transitions to become a service provider.
For more information about our values and strategic priorities, please visit our website.