SYS-Burao is a local, youth-led, non-governmental, non-profit making, developmental organization dedicated to improve the quality of life for the Somaliland youth communities through the provision of enhancing Livelihoods, youth self-employment opportunities and access to decent work for urban Youth by stablishing innovative youth agro-business and entrepreneurships, technical vocational skills (TVET) for income generation, Non-formal education, recreational/sports activities
Health and nutrition programs through community health and adolescence reproductive health
Community mobilization and awareness raising on community based services to change their lives
Hence, SYS involves human right, child protection and election activities, conflict resolution and reconciliation activities
Food security, water and sanitation, capacity building, and other cross cutting issues gender-based violence (GBV), FGM prevention and mitigation work
Also SYS takes part humanitarian interventions during emergencies are carried out as need arises
The establishment of SYS years back to 2001 and even since the organization has been working in above sectors and its interventions reaching the under-served youth and women populations with large number projects and programs
SYS operates across the entire six regions of Somaliland with particular focused on the eastern regions of the country (Togdheer, Sool, Sahel and Sanaag regions) with ongoing projects and sustainable efforts
Aimed at improving Living standard conditions of the target communities.
SYS will review and update its strategic and contingency plans, as well as its organizational systems
The goal is to review its vision and mission, existing programs, and strategic priorities, and to develop goals, objectives, and strategies to guide program implementation over the next five years.