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    Terms of Reference For Development of pictorial teaching materials for index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI)


    COOPI was founded by Father Barbieri on 15 April 1965. This is when it all started - a journey spanning more than fifty years during which COOPI and Italian international cooperation have expanded and evolved in very dif

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Jan, 06
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Consultancies
    • Location Remote
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience Unspecified
    • Salary

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference For:


    Development of pictorial teaching materials for index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) 


    SomReP Program 

    Somali Response Innovation Lab

    1.0  Organizational Context

    Insert COOPs background

    SomReP is a consortium of Seven INGOs and One Local NGO that operate across Somalia, focusing on building household and community resilience. The program has worked with the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Member States. The purpose of this partnership is to support the efforts of the Federal Government of Somalia’s Ministry of Livestock, Forestry and Range (MoLFR) in strengthening livestock, forestry, and rangeland activities and policies. SomReP has partnered with the International Livestock Research Institute and technical insurance consultants to form the Somali Livestock Insurance Consortium (SLIC) to support the establishment of livestock insurance in Somalia.  The SLIC aims to support the government, private sector, and pastoral communities in deeply understanding index-based livestock insurance. Most Pastoral communities don’t read and write; their communication medium is oral and word of mouth. In these projects, we aim to develop a more attractive and fun teaching material that aims at the pastoral community and teaches them how index-based livestock insurance works.

    The consultant will develop a series of radio programs in role-play blended with some concert poems and traditional songs that attract pastoralists to listen to the program. The consultant will air the program through a wide range of FM radios. The radio program should create awareness and educate pastoralists on IBLI and its policy features.


    2.0  Project Overview

    One of the pilot projects supported by the RIL in Somalia is Index-based Livestock Insurance (IBLI), in partnership with the SomReP (Somali Resilience Program) consortium and ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute).

    The IBLI initiative aims to protect pastoralists against severe drought shocks, link them to reliable markets and enhance their access to financial services. This initiative has two parts; the first part aims to provide financial services, including drought insurance, payment, savings and possibly contingent credit, to protect pastoralists against drought shocks. The second part seeks to better connect pastoralists to the market, attract private investment into the value chains, and facilitate the regional livestock trade.

    Besides the benefit of IBLI for pastoralists and the potential as a weather risk mitigation tool, the Pastoral community has not had enough knowledge of how the IBLI works and the benefits it has for them. Therefore, there is a need to develop a series of radio programs that can quickly educate pastoral communities in a fun way. Therefore, COOPI is seeking a consultant to create a series of radio programs capturing the essential concept of index-based livestock insurance.


    ·         Develop scripts in Somali.

    ·         Record the role play.

    ·         Engage FM Radio to air the program series.

    ·         Banners, brochures & pamphlets.

    ·         The pastoral communities should easily understand the pictorials without facilitation.


    4.0  Scope of work

    COOP is seeking a consulting firm or individual consultant to support the development of a series of radio programs with a clear description explaining the concept of index-based livestock insurance.

    5.0  The consulting firm/individual will be responsible for the following:

    ·         Developing the content that will be scrutinised and guided by the technical livestock and IBLI advisors.

    ·         Developing context-relevant and attractive radio programs that the pastoral communities can easily follow.


    6.0  Consultant role and expecting deliverables

    ·         A complete script capturing relevant IBLI concepts.

    ·         Recorded play

    ·         Engaging FM radio to air the play.

    ·         Banners, brochures & pamphlets capturing relevant IBLI concepts.

    Skills and Qualifications

    1.0  Application Procedure & Requirements

    Candidates interested in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:

    ·         Submit at least one full introductory script in Somali explaining IBLI.

    ·         Financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected,

    ·         Company profile or CV including a minimum of 3 references

    ·         Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.


    2.0  Project Timeline

    The expected timeline is two months (over two months).



    3.0  Branding

    ·         Copyright solely belongs to COOPI (SomRep, RIL and ILRI); therefore, all productions and written content will be purely SomReps property. 

    ·         SomRep, partner and donor logo, and any other logo the coordination team allows can appear on productions.

    ·         Any content produced during this project cannot be reused for another purpose without SomReP's permission.

    ·         All outputs will be provided and should have logos as agreed with the coordination team.


    4.0  Evaluation Criteria

    4.1  Mandatory Requirements

    a.     For companies, it should provide a certified copy of a certificate of business registration, Certificate of incorporation, business license or similar document (Companies/Organizations)

    b.    Provide references from previous clients for similar works.

    c.     individual consultants should provide a CV, references, and experience


    Note - Applicants not meeting the above mandatory requirement will not be considered for Technical Evaluation.


    4.2  Technical Evaluation by a Technical Team

    Applicants will need to have the following experiences and qualifications - as detailed in their Technical Proposal (CV and Portfolio) that are submitted as part of the application:


    ·           Well-qualified persons in the required field with previous experience with similar jobs with donor entities and humanitarian agencies.

    ·           Good networking skills and understanding of FGS.

    ·           Knowledge of NGO visibility requirements.

    ·           Understanding of cultural conditions in Somalia.

    ·           Fluency in spoken and written English is essential.


    All applicant Technical Proposals (CV and Portfolio) will be reviewed by livestock NRM and IBLI technical advisors. To determine:

    ·         If the applicant has the necessary skills and experience to deliver on the Expected Outcomes


    4.3  Financial Evaluation

    All bidders are advised to submit the following Financial Proposal:

    ·         Total cost to deliver on the project (Quote)

    ·         Payment Terms (i.e. 30% down payment to begin project…)


    How to apply

    All interested bidders/consultants are requested to submit a sample script with Somali content and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email [email protected] and [email protected] on or before 10th January 2024.

    Bids received after the deadline shall not be considered.

    The email title should be;- IBLI RADIO PROGRAMS.

    Your Financial Proposal should have your professional fee (quote to deliver on the project) and Payment Terms. Financial Proposal (Quote and Payment Terms) should not be part of the example plates or pictorials (CV and Portfolio); it should be a separate document.

    Only the final selected candidate will be contacted,

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