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  • American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

    Terms of Reference – Basic Advocacy skills training (Somali and South Sudan Programs)

    American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

    The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) promotes a world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light within each person, we nurture the seeds of change and the res

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Jul, 16
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Trainer/teacher/lecturer
    • Location Kenya
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Degree
    • Experience 5 - 6 years
    • Salary

    Job Description


    American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light of each person, AFSC works with communities and partners worldwide to challenge unjust systems and promote lasting peace. AFSC has more than 100 years of experience building peace in communities worldwide and works in the following ways: bridging and convening, community organizing and civil society strengthening, advocacy, research, and analysis. It seeks to change situations and systems that lead to violence.

    About Somali Program

    AFSC believe that young people can positively transform the prevailing context of violent conflicts in Somalia into more secure, productive, and just places. Consequently, AFSC is implementing a Peace-building program in Somalia targeting the youth, with the approach of empowering them with peacebuilding, leadership, and advocacy skills.

    In Somalia AFSC works in Mogadishu, Kismayu, Bosaso Port, Dhobley and Dadaab Refugees Camp in Kenya that host 90% refugees of Somalia origin.

    About South Sudan Program

    In South Sudan AFSC is implementing a trauma healing program for enhanced peacebuilding in South Sudan by working directly with two (2) local partners and indirectly with 19 CBOs/FBOs in Juba, Mudri and Jur River. The program aims to heal peacebuilders off their secondary trauma, build the capacity for peacebuilders on primary and secondary trauma, development, and operationalization of work-based trauma healing policies, conduct advocacy and research on trauma healing and peacebuilding.

    AFSC wishes to strengthen the capacity of the partners in Somalia and South Sudan to undertake advocacy initiatives targeted the communities, national, regional, and international levels to effectively advocate for issues that contribute to peace building and trauma healing. The Somalia and South Sudan Country programs are based in AFSC’s regional office in Nairobi Kenya.

    AFSC would like to conduct a 4-day Advocacy Skills training for the South Sudan and Somalia partners. The training is expected to cover the following areas:

    • Definition of Advocacy
    • Key elements of Advocacy
    • Importance of Advocacy
    • Policy Advocacy
    • Mobilization & Mapping
    • Stages in Planning for Advocacy
    • Advocacy strategies
    • Building alliances
    • Any other relevant topics as may be necessary.

    The objectives of the consultancy are as follows:

    • To train a team of AFSC partner staff from the Somali and South Sudan programs. Specifically, the Consultant(s) is expected to develop and execute a 4-day training workshop on Advocacy skills for the participants.
    • To develop effective training materials/tools for participants. The consultant is also expected to provide a package of training materials (handouts) for future reference.

    Expected Deliverables.

    1. Comprehensive training materials and agenda
    2. Conduct a four-day training for advocacy in Somalia & South Sudan
    3. A detailed training outcome report.
    4. Provide resource materials / package for reference/ training package.

    The training workshop should meet the following minimum criteria.

    • Produce participants that are confident and competent in conducting advocacy with minimal external support.
    • Engage participants in actual/practical delivery of sections of the training.
    • Engage participants in simulating relevant and realistic challenges for practicing and applying the skills gained.
    • Encourage participants to fully contribute using; brief presentations, live demonstrations, interactive practical exercises with feedback, coaching on the relevant skills and processes and discussion exercises.
    • Provide participants with training materials that should include guidelines for practical exercises/handouts, an annex with a standard power point presentation, inclusive of notes for each slide and a participants’ Resource Package.

    Participants: 18 participants from the partners organizations in South Sudan and Somalia and 7 staff members of AFSC.

    Training dates: 7th to 11th of August 2023

    Skills and Qualifications

    Applicant Requirements

    The consultant or team should have.

    1. A bachelor’s degree in political science, social work, Sociology, or any other relevant Social Science.
    2. Minimum five years of hands-on experiences in advocacy in development sectors.
    3. Demonstrate a good understanding of socio-political and historical narratives in Somalia and South Sudan context.
    4. Demonstrated understanding of advocacy issues in conflict prone, fragile or post conflict areas.
    5. Excellent oral and written English
    6. Be flexible, responsive to changes and open to feedback.


    How to apply

    All interested consultants are asked to submit their technical proposal, Assignment delivery plan, Methodology and financial proposal showing how they wish to carry out the assignment, as well as the 3 references (one being on the most recent assignment) to the below contacts by close of business on/or before 25th July 2023.

    Applications should be sent electronically to:

    The Country Representative, Somalia and South Sudan

    P.O. Box 66448-00800

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Email: [email protected]

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