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  • Shaqodoon Organization

    Terms of Reference for Livestock Diseases and Cultivated Crops Mapping

    Shaqodoon Organization

    Shaqodoon is a local NGO founded in 2011 to create innovative and long-lasting solutions to Somalia/land’s youth employment challenges. The NGO is the upshot of the former EDC Somali livelihood project funded by USA

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Nov, 06
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Consultancies
    • Location Mogadishu
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience Unspecified
    • Salary

    Job Description


    For Livestock Diseases and Cultivated Crops Mapping

    Location: Mogadishu, Somalia.

    Consultant type required : Firm/Individual


    In the recent years Somalia has experienced recurrent drought because of poor rains in the subsequent years that has threatened the livelihoods of the pastoralist and the farmers in the country. In response to these critical circumstances, the Somalia Resilience Program (SomRep) has initiated the Riverine & Pastoral Food System Strengthening (RFSS) project, generously funded by the European Union. This multifaceted project combines both infrastructural and adaptive measures, aimed at mitigating risk, enhancing food production, and bolstering market access for agricultural communities of five districts in Somalia (Luuq, Dolow, Bulo Burte, Jowhar and Afgoye)

    More heavily invested in irrigation infrastructure, the project is designed to reduce risk of flooding and to efficiently channels excess floodwaters to other regions for irrigation purposes, thereby increasing the water resources available for agricultural production across Somalia.

    Furthermore, Shaqodoon is actively engaged in the creation and advancement of two innovative Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platforms:

    1.    Animal Disease Reporting Platform: the platform will be used to report animal diseases within the target area. It will facilitate a connection between the pastoralist and the relevant ministries livestock ministries, health professionals and expertise,

    2.    The Market Connectivity Platform: Designed to foster economic growth among farmers, this platform connects farmers with daily market prices, providing valuable insights. Additionally, it acts as a bridge, linking farmers to essential resources such as the Ministry of Agriculture, supply chains for agricultural inputs, and agronomists for expert guidance


    Shaqodoon intends to undertake a comprehensive mapping exercise within the designated five target districts. The purpose of this exercise is to record the prevalent livestock diseases and the crops cultivated within these specific districts. The gathered data will serve as the foundational cornerstone for the development of the two digital platforms to be tailored to the needs of these communities regarding the management of livestock health and the marketing of the crops cultivated in these areas. This mapping initiative forms an integral part of our commitment to empower local populations through technology, enhancing their agricultural market connection and livestock management for sustainable and resilient livelihoods. Data collected will be used to customize in the digital platform through creating

    databases, data models, and user interfaces that can efficiently manage and present this information.

    Target locations of the mapping


    The scope of work for mapping animal diseases and compiling a list of crops grown in the target areas may include:


          Work plan that provides a detailed information about the mapping exercise plan

           Provide a mapping exercise report summarizing the prevalent livestock diseases and comprehensive list of crops grown in the area with the crop yield estimates, planting


    seasons, market centers, scale measuring units (With a presentation of the summary of the report)

          Translation version (Somali and English) of the list of the prevalent diseases and the list of the crops and their scale measuring units

    Skills and Qualifications



    How to apply

    We invite individual consultants and companies who find this opportunity interesting to submit their Quotation, CVs, and proposals, demonstrating their keen interest and understanding of the scope of work. Please forward your applications to [email protected] by no later than the 24th of November 2023.

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