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  • CTG Global

    Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Specialist

    CTG Global

    CTG stands for Committed To Good, a public declaration that we are committed to ethical and sustainable business. Since our inception in Afghanistan in 2006, CTG has been supporting clients globally in fragile, conflict-

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Sep, 07
    • Expire Date Today
    • Category Health/wash
    • Location Mogadishu
    • Type Full Time
    • Education Masters
    • Experience 10+ years
    • Salary

    Job Description

    Overview of position

    • The Somalia Crisis Recovery Project (SCRP) is funded by the World Bank (WB) & is being implemented by the Government of Somalia (GoS), through a Project Implementation Unit (P1U) in the Ministry of Finance (MOF), since 2020. The project currently funds the rehabilitation of flood damaged health care facilities &d transport infrastructure in several locations in South West State, Jubaland & Hirshabelle among other activities.

    • Sub project implementation, including rehabilitation & construction activities are based on the project's Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF), which lays out management procedures to ensure that the project is in compliance with national laws & the standards stipulated in the WB's Environmental & Social Framework (ESF) & the WB's Environmental, Health & Safety Guidelines (EHSG). The ESMF includes an outline of risks & impacts in relation to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at the construction sites as well as to security of project workers. A more detailed project level Security Management Framework (SMF) includes an assessment of security risks for project personnel & beneficiaries as well as assets & lays out key security risk mitigation measures & processes.

    • Stipulated by the ESMF, project teams prepared Environmental & Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for each sub project site in order to mitigate the risks specific to the site & design of the sub projects. The ESMPs include OHS related risks & their respective mitigation measures. The Security Management Plan (SMP) stipulates that the PlU conducts state level security assessments with the support of a security risk management company, which then form the basis for a 'local SMP. The implementer then follows up with an Activity Level Security Plan (ALSP) for the mitigation of security risks at the specific site. OHS & security risk mitigation requirements as they pertain to the contractor are included in the bidding documents as well as in the contractual agreements with the contractors.

    • While the MU has contracted our client to prepare the rehabilitation designs & some ESMPs, the PIU directly engages the contractors & supervises the works, including compliance with E&S requirements in relation to OHS & security. Our client provides advice to the PIU on the monitoring of the ESMP implementation during work contract execution by the contractors. The project wishes to recruit a consultant to conduct an OHS & security audit of the ongoing rehabilitation works.

    • The OHS Specialist will conduct an OHS & security audit of its sub project activities. The audit is a systematic documented & objective evaluation to understand how far the activities comply with the relevant approved E&S instruments as well as sound OHS practices. The objective of the audit is to promote OHS & security at all stages of the sub projects, to establish if proponents of the project comply with the OHS & security requirements & to identify corrective actions where applicable.

    • Given the complex & challenging operating environment in Somalia, it is critical to ensure that OHS & security measures are in place &d effectively implemented across all SCRP sub project activities. An OHS & Security Audit (SA) is therefore required to assess the current practices & recommend improvements to safeguard the wellbeing of project workers & beneficiaries.

    • The audit will appraise all current project funded construction related activities in Southwest State, Jubaland & Hirshabelle, taking into consideration national OHS legislation, OHS risk mitigation measures in the ESMF & ESMPs, as well as security risk mitigation measures in the SMP Security Management Framework (SMF), local SMPs & Activity Security Plans (ASP's).

    Role objectives

    • Assess the current OHS & security policies, procedures & practices in place for the SCRP sub project activities.

    • Assess the level of OHS & security management systems adoption & practice across the project activities.

    • Identify gaps & areas for improvement in OHS & security management systems & practices.

    • Provide specific recommendations & an action plan to enhance OHS & security measures for the SCRP sub project activities were necessary.

    The key deliverables for the OHS & SA include:

    • Inception report: Detailed work plan, methodology & timeline for the audit.

    • Draft audit report: Comprehensive report with findings, gaps & recommendations.

    • Final audit report: Revised report incorporating feedback from the client.

    • Action plan: Detailed implementation plan for the recommended OHS & security improvements.

    Below is a list of the minimum documentation the PIU will provide to the OHS & Security Management Auditor:

    • Project Appraisal Document (PAD).

    • Project Operations Manual (POM).

    • Environmental & Social Management Framework (ESMF).

    • Security Risk Assessment (SRA) & Security Risk Management Plan (SMP).

    • Subproject Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs).

    • Local Security Risk Management Plans (SMPs).

    • Activity Level Security Plans (ALSPs).

    • E&S reports from the relevant contractors.

    • E&S reports as part of the general Project Progress Report (PPR) from the PIU to the WB.

    Expected output include but are not limited to:

    OHS management systems:

    • Review of existing OHS measures & processes laid out in the ESMF.

    • Assess the effectiveness of OHS risk identification, assessment & mitigation measures.

    • Evaluate the OHS training & capacity building programs for project workers.

    • Examine the incident reporting, investigation & corrective action processes.

    • Review the OHS performance monitoring & evaluation mechanisms.

    Workplace Health & Safety (H&S):

    • Evaluate the adequacy of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & safety equipment provided to project workers.

    • Assess the safety of project sites, including infrastructure, equipment & work practices.

    • Review the emergency preparedness & response plans for project sites.

    • Examine the mechanisms in place to address worker health & wellbeing.

    Security management:

    • Review the existing security risk management system, including the SMP & its procedures for SCRP sub projects.

    • Assess the effectiveness of security risk identification, assessment & mitigation measures.

    • Evaluate the security training & capacity building programs for project workers.

    • Examine the security incident reporting, investigation & response processes.

    • Review the security monitoring & coordination mechanisms with local authorities.

    Stakeholder engagement & communication:

    • Assess the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement & communication strategies related to OHS & security.

    • Evaluate the mechanisms for worker & community feedback & grievance redressal.

    The OHS & SA will involve the following methodologies:

    • Document review: Review of relevant project documents, including OHS & security policies, procedures, guidelines & records.

    • Site visits & inspections: Conduct site visits to selected SCRP sub project locations to observe work practices, inspect facilities, equipment, interview workers & supervisors.

    • Stakeholder consultations: Engage with key stakeholders, including project management, OHS & security personnel, workers & local authorities, through Interviews & focus group discussions.

    • Benchmarking: Compare the SCRP's OHS & security practices against relevant procedures, standards & good practices.

    • Reporting & recommendations: Prepare a comprehensive audit report with findings, gaps & specific recommendations to improve OHS & security management for the SCRP sub project activities.

    Project reporting

    This role reports to the line manager at the SCRP.

    Skills and Qualifications

    Key competencies

    • Advanced University Degree (Master's Degree or equivalent) in Social Science, Health and Safety Management, Natural Sciences, Environmental Management or related discipline is required or related field.

    • NEBOSH qualification

    • A minimum of ten years of progressive experience in Health and Safety, Social and Environmental Management, or related experience is required.

    • Work experience and knowledge of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF)

    • Experience with World Bank security risk management is an asset.

    • Experience with OHS Audits is desirable.

    • Experience working in Somalia is an asset.

    • Experience in a conflict/post-conflict context is an asset.

    • Fluency in English (writing, reading and speaking) is required; knowledge in Somali is an asset.

    • 10 years of experience in conducting OHS audits, preferably in the context of infrastructure projects

    Team management

    • This role has no team management responsibility.

    Further information

    • Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

    • The consultant is expected to travel to the relevant sub-project sites in Southwest State, Jubaland and Hirshabelle. He or she will be accompanied by a local Project staff that will assist with translation if necessary. The PIU will assist with the travel and logistics


    How to apply

    · At no stage of the recruitment process will CTG ask candidates for a fee. This includes during the application stage, interview, assessment and training.
    · CTG has a zero tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) which is outlined in its Code of Conduct. Protection from SEA is everyone’s responsibility and all staff are required to adhere to CTG’s Code of Conduct at all times.

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