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  • Federal Government Of Somalia

    Nutrition and Social Inclusion Specialist

    Federal Government Of Somalia

    About The Government Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is the internationally recognized government of Somalia, and the first attempt to create a central government in Somalia since the collapse of the Somali Democr

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date May, 04
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Health/wash
    • Location Mogadishu
    • Type Full Time
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience 10+ years
    • Salary

    Job Description

    Federal Government of Somalia

    Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

    Post title : Nutrition and Social Inclusion Specialist

    Name of Project: Rural Livelihoods Resilience Programme (RLRP)

    Duty station:   Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Mogadishu


    The Rural Livelihoods Resilience Programme (RLRP) is an 8 year project and the lead agency for the Programme is the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MAI), Federal Government of Somalia. The project’s goal is “improved and resilient livelihoods of rural smallholders in Somalia”. The Programme Development Objective (PDO) is” to sustainably increase productivity, incomes and nutrition security and enhance the resilience of rural smallholder families in Somalia. The RLRP has 3 components: component 1 Suppoet to community resilience; component 2 support to smallholder livelihoods; component 3 Programme coordination and capacity building.

    The RLRP’s primary target groups will be 30,000 poor small-scale agro-pastoral households (HHs. RLRP will further include proportions for vulnerable groups, including IDPs (15 percent), women-headed HHs (30 percent), and persons with disabilities based on prevalence. The RLRP is a nationwide programme. It will focus its comprehensive efforts on five Federal Member States (FMS) of Puntland, Galmudug, Jubaland, Hirshabelle and South West. Implementation will be sequenced, starting with the initial two FMS of Jubaland and South West, and a total of five regions in the two states: Jubaland: Gedo and Lower Juba; and South West: Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle.

    The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation implements the Rural Livelihood and Resilience Program (RLRP). The program aims to enhance the livelihoods and resilience of rural communities. It focuses on promoting sustainable agricultural practices, diversifying income sources, and improving market access for farmers. Additionally, the RLRP works to build resilience by implementing measures such as water conservation, climate-smart agricultural techniques, and disaster preparedness. Community participation and empowerment are key program elements, fostering social cohesion and ownership of development initiatives. The

    Ministry strengthens institutional capacity to ensure effective implementation and long-term program sustainability.

    The National Programme Coordination Unit (NPCU), reporting to the MoAI, will be responsible for day to day management of the Programme and will be in charge of planning, coordination, monitoring nd evaluation, financial management and procurement fuctions. The NPCU includes the position of Nutrition and Social Inclusion Specialist, a position that will be filled through competitive recrutment. The Nutrition and Social Inclusion Specialist reports to the National Programme Coordinator.

    Job description

    Under the supervision of the National Programme Coordinator, the Nutrition and Social Inclusion Specialist will be responsible for the following duties:

    1.    Coordinate and lead the targeting process with appropriate guidance and process to reach the vulnerable, poor, women, youth and other priority disadvantage groups in the Programme area and ensure their meaningful participation and share of benefits from Programme interventions

    2.    Monitor progress in such areas and ensure evidence on progress is regularly reported to the Programme Director and Steering Committee

    3.    Integrate Nutrition, Gender, Youth, Targeting in the M&E system, in the AWP/Bs and Progress reports and in the social inclusion/gender strategy of RLRP

    4.    Implement the targeting strategy of RLRP by identifying implementation arrangements, risks and mitigation measures and analyse data to ensure that there are no adverse impacts on target groups as a result of programme

    5.    In close collaboration of the PMU staff, develop a gender and social inclusion strategy, including implementation mechanisms, to ensure opportunities to support gender equality and women’s empowerment and facilitates youth and women’s participation in subsequent interventions; for promoting youth engagement in project activities and ensuring the benefits reaches the target groups.

    6.    Undertake regular capacity assessment and provide capacity-building for staff at the field level, PMU, implementing partners and service providers on targeting, gender, youth and nutrition.

    7.    Contribute to the knowledge development by generating lessons/cases studies on targeting, gender and inclusion and others.

    8.    Responsible for the overall content and the links with other external knowledge on

    targeting, gender, nutrition, youth and social  inclusion.

    9.     Together with M&E and knowledge management staff, establish an M&E system that captures data and analyses disaggregated data on gender, youth, socio-ethnicity, poverty status, IDPs. The Specialist will support the M&E Specialist in the design and conduct of specific studies aimed at an in-depth at assessing the manner in which project activities may have contributed to the socioeconomic empowerment of women and

    the youth. Also, he/she will play a role in ensuring that the intended target groups are being effectively reached by the project in the manner intended, through the regular analysis of outreach data.

    10.  Provide technical assistance and guidance to field level staff in the implementation of gender, youth and nutrition sensitive interventions and nutritional challenges in programme areas

    11.  Oversee the set up and implementation of the project’s grievance redress mechanism including beneficiary feedback system that is accessible to all segments of the population. This will be closely coordinated with the Social Safeguards Specialist.

    12.  Ensure that targeting, youth, gender and nutrition-related activities are budgeted and that financial resources are allocated and reflected into all the Annual Working Plan & Budget during implementation

    13.  Develop localised training materials on the relevance of improved nutrition and gender to climate resilient productivity, sustainable value chains and livelihoods diversification. On nutrition, this should include a specific measures and actions on early childhood nutrition and steps to improve the nutritional status of children and teenage girls.

    14.  Serve as a focal point for communication between the programme and others working on issues of targeting, gender, youth, nutrition and social inclusion in government, implementing agencies, other development projects and IFAD.

    15.  Participate in the development of detailed TORs and tender documents of national, third party and local service providers to various project components to ensure that target groups will be able to participate effectively in all components and meet the programme’s targets

    16.  Analyse opportunities to work with key partners, including in policy engagement on nutrition, gender, youth, IDPs and related domains

    17.  Carry out other tasks as assigned by the Programme Coordinator.

    Skills and Qualifications

    Experience & qualifications Required.

    1.    At least 10 years work experience in the development sectors and with demonstrated results on socio-economic mobilization, gender, youth, nutrition and social inclusion issues in agriculture.

    2.    Experiences in capacity building on gender, youth, community mobilization, business skills etc.

    3.    Experiences that demonstrate creativeness, innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills

    4.    Experience in projects integrating targeting and social inclusion considerations across components/activities and M&E

    5.    Possesses high quality attributes on leadership, facilitations and coaching

    6.    Good spoken and written in Somali and English.

    7.    Proven skills in staff and budget management, networking and external communication.

    8.      Good interpersonal skills and capacity to work effectively as part of a team.

    9.    Highly motivated and committed to poverty alleviation and gender and social inclusion issues.

    Duration: The initial contract will be for one year with a six-month probation period, renewable every year on continued satisfactory performance.


    How to apply

    If your qualifications and experience meet this job requirement, please submit a written application letter and C.V and copy of academic qualification in one document, not three separate attachments, quoting your name, the job title, including daytime contact phone numbers, as well as the names and contact information of three references to reach the below-mentioned by 17:00 on May 31st, 2024 to [email protected] or [email protected] Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

    Previous applications are accepted but please direct your applications to the [email protected] and Copy [email protected]

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