Job details
Posted Date
Oct, 19
Expire Date
Nov, 02
5 - 6 years
Job description
Save the Children International (SCI) Somalia program hereby invites interested consultants to bid for the
consultancy assignment detailed below
- Background
For over 100 years, Save the Children has been making a difference in children’s lives in more than 120 countries. Save the Children International is the world’s largest independent child rights organization from emergency relief to long-term development, Save the Children International secures a child’s right to health, education, and protection. Save the Children’s vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection development and participation. Our mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
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Save the Children has worked in Somalia for 70 years in health, nutrition, education (including education in emergencies), WASH, food security and livelihoods, TVET, child protection and child rights governance in development and humanitarian settings. The long operational history and broad geographical coverage of Save the Children have enabled us to obtain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of the operating environment as well as positive working relationships with key stakeholders, including the Federal Government of Somalia, Federal Member State governments, donors, NGOs, civil society, and the communities themselves and we currently work in 16 out of 18 regions of Somalia.
- Overview of CHASP Program
Community Health & Social Accountability Program (CHASP) has been the largest health flagship program for Somalia since 2017 and now in the second phase until 2024. The program’s overall objective is to ensure ‘Increased utilization of quality, gender-sensitive reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health services which are accessible, acceptable, affordable, and equitable through EPHS’. The program was designed in line with the adopted Federal governance structure of Somalia and will build on ongoing interventions to help build the resilience of households, communities, and district/regional governments through the provision of increased access to health services and strengthening of the district and regional health structures using the decentralized service delivery model. CHASP project has three main outcomes, which are:
Outcome 1: Evidence-base of successful Innovative solutions generated adequately scaled-up
Outcome 2: EPHS, including Nutrition, Reproductive health, and SGBV case management delivered to women and children
Outcome 3: Health Governance and Management structures enhanced for sustainability
- Rationale
The goal of CHASP program in Somalia was to ensure “increased utilization of quality, gender-sensitive RMNCH services which are accessible, acceptable, affordable, and equitable through the provision of EPHS”. The project has also been designed with full awareness of the prevailing gender norms and deeply rooted gender inequalities in Somalia that limit women and girls from accessing basic services such as health and nutrition and expose them to a higher risk of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). In order to address these challenges, CHASP Phase 2 was planned to identify and work on the appropriate ways of removing the physical, cognitive, and social barriers by collaborating closely with the communities and particularly the influencers and gatekeepers.
The CHASP programme components are interrelated, interconnected, and mutually reinforcing components and activities that are intended to achieve the overall project goal. Meanwhile, strategic information, change of community norms, and communication will play a major role in the success of the project especially due to the attitudinal barriers and traditional and cultural barriers toward the beneficiaries. Save the Children will develop and lead a Social Behavioral Change and Communication (SBC/C) strategy regarding all sectors of Health and Nutrition, such as Immunization, IYCF-E, WASH, Maternal and Newborn Care, etc.
Social and behavior change (SBC) is essential to improving maternal, child, family, and community health. A comprehensive SBC approach explores factors that influence multiple levels like individuals, families, influential community members, communities as a whole, health care providers, and policymakers to devise a maximally effective behavior change strategy.
The Overall objectives of the Social Behavior Change and Communications Strategy Development Consultancy are as follows:
- Objective 1: To conduct a comprehensive situational analysis regarding SCI’s existing Gender
Sensitive Barrier Analysis, KAP surveys, and SBC/C Strategies related to IYCF, WASH, Maternal and Newborn Care, EPI, Family Planning, SGBV/IPV Health Services, Sexual Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents, etc. and conduct additional Barrier Analysis where possible.
- Objective 2: To develop an effective, contextualized, and gender transformative, inclusive, and evidence-based SBC/C strategy and action plan for designing, choosing, and disseminating the most appropriate SBC/C tools in the community for positive behavior change.
- Scope of the Work
The scope of this work is broken down into 4 interconnected and correlated sections:
Stage 1: Research, Analysis, and Planning
To conduct comprehensive desk review regarding the existing gender sensitive Barrier Analysis, KAP surveys, and SBC/C Strategies related to IYCF, WASH, Maternal and Newborn Care, EPI, Family Planning, SGBV/IPV Health Services, Sexual Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents, etc. and conduct additional Barrier Analysis where possible. At this stage, a full document summarizing the information needed to develop SBC/C strategy will be produced and shared with SCI team. The consultant should apply a gender lens in the analysis, considering the impact of gender inequality, dynamics, and discrimination on women, girls, boys, and men’s behavior.
Stage 2: Prioritization, Developing the Theory of Change, and SBC/C Strategy
After completion of the primary research, comprehensive situational analysis, and identification of key barriers and audiences, the consultant will develop Theory of Change model that will be approved by the SCI. After agreeing on the prioritization and the theory of change method, the consultant will fully develop an effective, context specific, theory-driven, Gender transformative, inclusive, and evidence-based SBC/C strategy. Design, test and finalize a 5-year SBC/C strategy and action plans including all creative concepts, key messages, and tools.
Stage 3: Feasibility study piloted
The research team will conduct a feasibility (formative assessment) study to pilot if the designed SBC/C tools can be rolled out at the national level (Community acceptancy). SCI will also conduct a RCT study to test the impact of the developed SBC/C Strategy in increasing the service utilization.
Stage 4: Implementation and roll-out of the strategy
Save the children operations and REALM team will roll out and transition to monitoring activities and the ownership of the strategy by local stakeholders to ensure maximum sustainability. This process will be facilitated by the SCI’s Operations and Research team internally with the help of the concerned government teams.
- Deliverables
During the period of this assignment, the consultant should provide the below deliverables:
- To comprehensively gender-sensitive review and summarize the key findings of all current SCI’s existing Barrier Analysis, KAP surveys, and SBC/C Strategies related to Health and Nutrition, including (SGBV/IPV Health services and SRH for adolescents)
- Comprehensive Inception report comprising of the current existing LR and SCI BA and KAP
- Updated and detailed timeline for conducting BA assessment completed (If needed)
- Prepare research documents and application forms for review and approval by Save the Children if decided to conduct further BA
- Research protocol, data collection instruments and consent forms in English.
- All relevant BA tools and documents to be submitted to Save the Children for seeking Approval from AIMWG feedback.
- Prepare final study report and PowerPoint presentation and conduct data dissemination meetings where applicable
- Final study report submitted to Save the Children (after review and feedback AIMWG & MOHS). Presentation of the study findings at a data dissemination workshop where applicable
- Prepare Theory of Change
- Develop contextualized gender transformative SBCC theory of change for the strategy development
- Prepare SBC/C Strategy related to sub-themes of Health, Nutrition, WASH, and SGBV/IPV Health Services (SBC/C campaigns and Strategy completed and shared with SCI).
- Develop 1-year action plan including, schedule and locations of activities, budget, monitoring plan, training, and resource allocation for campaign execution with the support of SCI’s ACCM team.
- The action plan should articulate how the different elements of the communications plan are linked together, and how different activities are practically integrated with other SCI programme activities nationally and sub-nationally.
The consultant is expected to produce an inception report detailed methodology for development of SBCC strategy. The consultant will include the inception report with summary of comprehensive review of SCI’s existing Barrier Analysis, KAP surveys, and SBC/C Strategies related to Health and Nutrition, including (SGBV/IPV Health services and SRH for adolescents).
- Required Skills (Qualifications)
- A behavioral scientist who can understand the complex human behaviors to design and promote good health and discourage risky behaviors for positive change.
- Prior experience and track record in designing and executing the development of SBCC related interventions in Somalia context is essential. At least 5 years+ experience is desirable.
- Advanced degree in a relevant field such as anthropology, sociology, social psychology, or behavioral economics. Qualifications in marketing or communications are also desirable.
- Strong background applying behavioral science and SBCC principles/theory to practice, preferably from all health and nutrition disciplinary lens.
- Good understanding of gender-specific issues affecting girls/women how SBC/C interventions can contribute to girls’ empowerment.
- Expertise in communications, social marketing, advocacy and multistakeholder outreach
- Experience working with low-literacy populations in Sub-Saharan Africa (Somalia) and familiarity with Somali culture and language is essential.
- Wide-range of flexibility and capacity to perform well under pressure in a dynamic environment of rapid change, are required to effectively manage and coordinate complex SBC/C interventions with multiple methodological, logistical, financial, and programmatic components.
- Performance indicators for evaluation
- The quality of deliverables meets the standards set by SCI and specifications outlined in the contract.
- Deliverables are submitted in a timely manner, as per the timeline in the contract.
- Technical assistance is contextualized and draws on inputs provided by the partners.
- Timeline/Duration
The duration of the assignment is projected to be 45 days starting from contract signature date.
A contract will be signed by the consultant before the commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects of inputs, and deliverables.
The title rights, copyrights, and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with Save the Children Somalia Country office. All products developed under this consultancy belong to the Save the Children exclusively, guided by the rules of the grant contract. Under no circumstances will the consultant use the information of this study for publication or dissemination to any individual or organization without official prior written permission from Save the Children Somalia Country office.
Skills and qualifications
How to apply
Terms of Reference (ToR)
See the complete TOR with detailed appendices attached as Annex 1.
• Background of the consultancy,
• Introduction of the project,
• Rationale of the consultancy,
• Objectives of the consultancy,
• Scope of work,
• Proposed methodology and approach,
• Key deliverables
• Timeline