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  • SOS Childrens Villages International


    SOS Childrens Villages International

    SOS Children’s Villages is the world’s largest organization focused on ensuring that children and young people without parental care or at risk of losing it grow up with the care, relationships and support they need to b

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date May, 09
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Consultancies
    • Location Somalia
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Masters
    • Experience 3 - 4 years
    • Salary

    Job Description




    Consultancy Title

    Conducting of Data Quality Management training  to the SOS Frontline staff



    Task duration

    8 days after signing the contract


    8th May 2024





    SOS Children’s Villages Somalia chapter was established in 1984 as a grassroots response to deficiencies in the provision of caring, secure, and supportive foster care system for children who have lost parental care or at risk of losing in Somalia. As members of a Global Federation, SOS CV Somalia is committed to applying the Federation's statutes, standards for quality child care, and stringent financial and administrative practices. SOS CV Somalia is committed to the welfare of children who lost parental care or at risk of losing parental care – often ensuring that children grow up in a loving family environment, and strengthening families and communities as a preventive measure in the fight against child abandonment and social negligence. In Ensuring child safeguarding is mainstreamed across SOS programming and interventions, SOS Children’s Villages Somalia created and maintained a caring and protective environment, which promoted its core values, and prevents and addresses child abuse and exploitation. this included human resources development actions such as training and counselling. In this effort, SOS CV Somalia established and trained certified safeguarding investigation team, Ensures safe recruitment in all program locations and enhanced skills and knowledge on PSHEA and CS for Program

    SOS work closely works with line ministries, Ministries of Health, delivering lifesaving integrated health, nutrition, Protection and WASH services where there is emergency need and in the toughest places, scaling up life-


    In line with SOS Monitoring & Evaluation System, it is important to always keep in mind “a space” to do data quality control. Quality is ensured from data collection to the preparation of the final report or report, which allows us to share responsibility and data governance. Data qualityis a measure of the condition of data based on factors such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, reliability and whether it's up to date

    A data quality assessment, or data quality audit, is a process that identifies and alleviates factors that undermine data quality. A data quality assessment is useful in various stages of the RBM programme cycle. For example, it supports the development of indicators during planning by testing potential data sources, it is a quality check during monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the results are sound, it can elicit lessons about indicators for future or similar programmes, and so on.

    The objectives of the training are to:

    ·         Understand data quality conceptual framework

    ·         Become familiar with dimensions and data quality metrics

    ·         Understand what different data custodians can do to ensure data quality.

    ·         Understand different types of data quality problems

    ·         Review data tools currently using the variate projects.

    ·         Develop comprehensive action plan that aims to help improve data quality across all Humanitarian response programs.

    Specific Objectives of the Consultant:

    ·         In line with SOS Monitoring & Evaluation System, this comprehensive 8 days Data quality Management training provides an in depth understanding of the principles and practices of data quality, results-based management throughout the entire project life cycle. Participants will gain the skills needed to establish and execute results-based Management systems; it is important to always keep in mind “a space” to do data quality control

    ·         The training shall focus on wider Data quality dimensions framework and data management in particular but on overall program cycle management in general.

    ·         The consultant should provide in detail various sub-topics (part of training plans) under the above theme and how each will be executed. The consultant should also explain in his/her application how through an integrated use of the mobile/web system, practical class sessions and field level visits and interaction with the staff members from a selected project that SOSCV is implementing, he /she can deliver each and every topic.

    As a result of the training, 8 Days the participants Shall able:

    ·         Verify rapidly 1) the quality of reported data for key indicators at selected sites; and 2) the ability of data-management systems to collect, manage and report quality data.

    ·         Implement corrective measures with action plans for strengthening the data management and reporting and improving data quality.

    ·         Monitor capacity improvements and performance of the data management and reporting system to produce quality data.

    Training approach methodology

    The training will be comprised of varying methodologies ranging from I.             Presentation II.            HMIS summary Forms for Practical (dhis2) and others SOS online platforms III.          Group exercise IV.          Experience sharing V.            Evaluation-Post and pre-evaluation. REPORT CRITERIA

    The DQM training will result in the concise training report, in English with a maximum length of 8 pages including an Executive Summary. All confidential information should be kept in a separate annex to protect participants. The final report should be provided electronically and in hard copy.

    Financial resources
    SOS CV request the potential and interested consultant/firm to submit a detailed financial proposal. the course of the assignment. The consultant should submit itemized quotation in the financial application.

    Skills and Qualifications

    Application Process & Requirements:

    External Consultant who will work in close collaboration and support from the MEAL and-programme team will undertake the Data quality management training exercise. Therefore, the applicant researcher should have the following qualifications and experiences, but not limited to:

    ·         Demonstrate expertise and experience on conducting similar assessments

    ·         Familiarity with previous work of similar nature will be an added advantage.

    ·         minimum educational qualification of a master’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, Emergency response, Data management, Project Management or relevant field from recognized university.

    ·         Has undertaken similar trainings in the past 3 years in Somalia. This includes demonstrated ability to manage field procedures in the Monitoring and evaluation area.

    ·         Detailed budget and breakdown of what cost covers (will cover in logistical arrangements, organize for training venues and other facilitation required)

    Additionally, the consultant should provide;

    ·         Consultant (individual/firm) should submit CV of the lead Training as well as name(s) and basic information of the consulting firm submitting the proposal.

    ·         Names and professional qualifications of the representatives of the firm that will be conducting the study.

    ·         Describe in detail the approach or process that your firm will undertake to this training , including but not limited identifying potential gaps,

    ·         Describe the methods for presenting the reporting including conclusions, and recommendations that will enable SOS Children’s Villages Somalia and potential stakeholders to make informed decisions.

    ·         Financial Proposal (maximum 1 page)

    ·         Provide a schedule and time frame for completion of the training.

    The criteria for selection are:

    ·         Method: The proposed method for training the programme is suitable

    ·         Timetable/work plan: The timetable/work plan is realistic and meet the needs of the programme staff

    ·         Cost: The cost of the proposal is reasonable and feasible, given the other aspects of the proposal

    ·         Experience: The training and experience of the consultants in RBM, and DHS2 and recommendations from organizations for which the consultant(s) has previously worked.

    Interested consultancy firms or independent consultant(s) can apply. The application should be accompanied by:

    Ø  Technical proposal not exceeding 3 pages typed in New Times Roman size 12, single spaced, including a summarized firm profile, CVs of the lead and (possibly) associate consultants.

    Ø  One recent example of similar assignment report written by the applicant

    Ø  Financial proposal.


    How to apply

    All correspondence and submissions should be done through the Procurement email on

    Please send your completed applications not later than 18th  May, 2024.


    All documents, papers and data produced during the assessment are to be treated as SOS’s property and restricted for public use. The contracted agency/consultant will submit all original documents, materials and data to SOS CV Country office.


    SOS CV in Somalia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever.

    Annexes to be given to successful candidate:

    1. Data quality assessment checklist 

    2. Basic data quality checklist 

    3. Action Plan

    4.SOS Care promise

    5. SOS RBM templates

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