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  • SOS Childrens Villages International


    SOS Childrens Villages International

    SOS Children’s Villages is the world’s largest organization focused on ensuring that children and young people without parental care or at risk of losing it grow up with the care, relationships and support they need to b

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date May, 08
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Assessment/evaluation/audit
    • Location Somalia
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience 5 - 6 years
    • Salary

    Job Description

    TERMS OF REFERENCE for Conducting Multi-SECTORIAL NEEDS Assessment  



    Consultancy Title

    Terms of reference to conduct Multi-Sectorial Needs Assessment for BHA/CRS funded Kaafia Plus: Somalia Health, Protection, WASH and Nutrition project


    Banadir (Heliwa, Daynile and, Kahda) Middle Shabelle (Balcad) Bay(Baidoa ) Bakol (Hudur)regions in Somalia

    Task duration

    20 days upon signing the contract


    8th May 2024




    SOS Children’s Villages Somalia chapter was established in 1984 as a grassroots response to deficiencies in the provision of caring, secure, and supportive foster care system for children who have lost parental care or at risk of losing in Somalia. As members of a Global Federation, SOS CV Somalia is committed to applying the Federation's statutes, standards for quality child care, and stringent financial and administrative practices. SOS CV Somalia is committed to the welfare of children who lost parental care or at risk of losing parental care – often ensuring that children grow up in a loving family environment and strengthening families and communities as a preventive measure in the fight against child abandonment and social negligence. In Ensuring child safeguarding is mainstreamed across SOS programming and interventions, SOS Children’s Villages Somalia created and maintained a caring and protective environment, which promoted its core values, and prevents and addresses child abuse and exploitation. this included human resources development actions such as training and counselling. In this effort, SOS CV Somalia established and trained certified safeguarding investigation team, Ensures safe recruitment in all program locations and enhanced skills and knowledge on PSHEA and CS for Program


    SOS work closely works with line ministries, Ministries of Health, delivering lifesaving integrated health, nutrition, Protection and WASH services where there is emergency need and in the toughest places, scaling up life-

          I.        INTRODUCTION


    Somalia's politics, security and development collectively create a complex environment, with much of the country's recent past marked by recurrent climatic shocks, armed conflict and violence. With most Somalis dependent on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, climate change is a major concern, as disruptions to the weather lead to phenomena such as drought and flood, two common factors that drive humanitarian need in the country.


    The Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) 2024 estimates that 6.9 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance1 . In recent years, floods caused by El Niño have affected 2.4 million people, displacing 1.27 million individuals and resulting in at least 118 deaths2 . Following these floods, Somalia experienced an Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) /Cholera outbreak in six states, including Banadir, Puntland, Somaliland, Southwest, Jubaland, and Hirshabelle, spanning 25 districts. Cumulatively, during week 11 of 2024 43,956 cases (of which 2,503, 51%, were female) and 60 deaths (with a CFR of 1.2%) were reported.

    Women and girls are the most vulnerable groups affected by the floods, facing increased exposure to AWD/Cholera due to domestic roles, while pregnant and lactating mothers are particularly vulnerable due to physiological changes and increased risk of complications. The challenges posed by flooding and AWD/Cholera are exacerbated by longstanding sexual and reproductive health issues in Somalia. Women and girls have limited access to lifesaving, quality Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) services. Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report2024

    According OCHA flash flooding highlights the Gu (April to June) rains are intensifying with flash floods reported since 19 April. Four people, three boys in Somaliland and a six-year-old girl in Hirshabelle State have been reportedly killed; about 100 shelters for displaced people destroyed and at least 134 families (804 people) affected or displaced across Somalia.

    In Banadir region, heavy rains flooded low-lying areas of Mogadishu city, disrupting business activities on 21 April. A local partner reported that 34 makeshift shelters were swept away in Kahda district, displacing 56 families, of whom 20 have reportedly moved to Deegan evacuation site. One community center was damaged and 30 latrines in displacement sites in Kahda and Garasbaley were damaged.


    Heavy rains in South West State affected 78 families and damaged four latrines in displacement sites in Baidoa on 18 April. Prior to the rains, partners distributed sandbags as mitigation measure against flooding in some displacement sites. Reports from Hirshabelle State indicate that the girl died when flash floods inundated their home outside Kalabeyr village, north of Belet Weyne district on 21 April. The floods also interrupted traffic in Belet Weyne town. Over the last few days, average to moderate rainfall has been reported in Hirshabelle, raising the River Shabelle level to high risk in Jowhar district. In addition, river breakages around Mandheere village, 12km southeast of Jowhar and in Bulo Hajji, Bahaaw and Bulo Sheikh areas, have caused some localized flooding. The local community in Mandheere, supported by State authorities and FAO which mobilized a total of 6,300 sandbags, managed to close two breakages. Concerns remain that more flooding could severely affect traffic between Jowhar and Balcad district where heavy rains on 15 April destroyed about 30 latrines and 75 shelters housing displaced people. SOMALIA: 2024 Gu Season Heavy Rains And Floods


    1.    Rationale and overall objective of the Multi sectoral needs Assessment

    The aim of the study is to provide an update on the Humanitarian Needs in the context of ongoing rain fall floods, drought and displacement crisis in south central (Baidoa, Hudur, Banadir and Balcad) by providing updated nation-wide, district-level, multi-sectoral analysis of current and forecasted severity of needs among the crisis-affected population for future programming.


    This study is also expected to meet the following specific objectives: -

    v  To provide a detailed overview of the current humanitarian needs and gaps of crisis affected population (by sector and across sectors) in south central Somalia.

    v  To understand the severity of needs of the assessed population, including living standard gaps, use of coping mechanisms in light of the Floods, outbreak in Somalia.

    v  To identify variations in need amongst population groups and geographical areas in order to inform response prioritization and strategic planning by SOS CV.


    2.    Timing of the multi-sectoral Need Assessment

    The multi sectoral need assessment will take place between 26th May – 17th June 2024 the duration of the assignment will be 20 days including travel days. Time line can be adjusted after mutual agreement.

    3.    Geographic scope

    The multi sectoral need Assessment will be carried out in south central (Baidao, Hudur, Banadir and Balcad) 

    SOS CV Somalia operational area in Banadir region (Heliwa, Kahda, Daynile districts), Middle shablle (Jowhar,Adale, Balcad districts), Bay region (Baidoa and Bardale, Burhakaba, Qansaxdhere districts) and Bakool region (Hudur)



    The following services and outputs are expected:

          I.        An Inception Report prior to the commencement of the multi sectoral need Assessment explaining the detailed MSNA design and the implementation plan. The Inception Report shall be approved collectively by SOS CV MEAL & Program Development teams before data collection begins.

        II.        Detailed and comprehensive MSNA tools to be used in capturing the information is

       III.        required. The tools should be discussed and agreed before data collection.

      IV.         Debrief session and power-point presentation for the SOS CVS.

        V.        Comprehensive draft and final MSNA reports.

      VI.        Soft copy of the database of the primary data analyzed and used in the report.




    The Need Assessment will result in the concise multi sectoral need assessment report, in English with a maximum length of 25 pages including an Executive Summary. All confidential information should be kept in a separate annex to protect participants. The final report should be provided electronically and in hard copy.

    The report format below must be strictly adhered to:

    §  Cover page

    o  Title of the report

    o  Country, programme, date of assessment

    o  Name and contacts information of consultant

    §  Executive summary (maximum 2 pages; cross-reference pages or paragraphs in the main body)

    o  Assessed action

    o  Purpose and methodology (incl. limitations and challenges)

    o  Main conclusions, recommendations, and lessons learned

    §  Main body

    o  The structure of the main body is determined by the desired results 

    o  For each key conclusion, there should be a corresponding recommendation that is realistic, pragmatic, and operational

    §  Annexes

    o  Terms of Reference

    o  List of persons interviewed and sites visited

    o  Map of areas covered by the programme

    o  Bibliography/references

    o  Data collection instruments/tools.

    o  GPS enabled photos.

    Skills and Qualifications


    Desired Qualifications and abilities


    External Consultant who will work in close collaboration and support from the MEAL and-programme team will undertake the multi-sectoral need Assessment exercise. Therefore, the applicant researcher should have the following qualifications and experiences, but not limited to:

    ·         At least 5-8 years practical experiences in conducting assessments in the area of child protection system approach

    ·         Demonstrate expertise and experience on conducting similar assessments

    ·         Familiarity with previous work of similar nature will be an added advantage.

    ·         A minimum educational qualification of a master’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation, Emergency response, Social Sciences, Economics or relevant field from recognized university.

    ·         Must have a proven research experience in the Somalia context. Preferably an extensive experience in research including designing and conducting (integrated health, nutrition, WASH, protection and MPCA) rapid needs assessments, evaluations and third-party monitoring.

    ·         Has undertaken similar evaluations in the past 3 years in Somalia. This includes demonstrated ability to manage field procedures in the evaluation area.

    ·         Previous evaluation experience for a USAID project is an added advantage.

    ·         Solid experience in qualitative and quantitative studies.

    ·         Experienced in use of ICT4D solutions in data gathering and remote data collection and management.

    ·         Computer proficiency with good knowledge of MS office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and data analysis applications e.g., SPSS, STATA.

    ·         Excellent analytical and report writing skills.

    ·         Excellent written and spoken English. Knowledge of Somali language will be an added advantage § Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

    ·         Excellent time management skills

    ·         Ability to work promptly and accurately and pay attention to detail.

    ·         Ability to work well both independently and in a team.

    ·         Available to be engaged during the entire survey period.

    Additionally, the consultant should provide;

    -       Consultant (individual/firm) should submit CV of the lead evaluator as well as name(s) and basic information of the consulting firm submitting the proposal.

    -       Names and professional qualifications of the representatives of the firm that will be conducting the study.

    -       List of the firms or entities, including the names and contact information, for which the bidder had conducted similar studies. Include a brief summary of the purpose of the study and any measurable results to date.

    -       Describe in detail the approach or process that your firm will undertake to gather research, including identifying potential demand generators, conducting personal and/or group interview sessions.

    -       Describe the methods for presenting the findings, conclusions, and recommendations that will enable SOS Children’s Villages Somalia and potential stakeholders to make informed decisions.

    -       Financial Proposal (maximum 1 page)

    -       Provide a schedule and time frame for completion of the study.


    The criteria for selection are:

    ·         Method: The proposed method for assessment the programme is suitable

    ·         Timetable/work plan: The timetable/work plan is realistic and meet the needs of the programme

    ·         Cost: The cost of the proposal is reasonable and feasible, given the other aspects of the proposal

    ·         Experience: The training and experience of the consultants in Need Assessment and recommendations from organizations for which the consultant(s) has previously worked.


    How to apply

    Interested consultancy firms or independent consultant(s) can apply. The application should be accompanied by:

    Ø  Technical proposal not exceeding 5 pages typed in New Times Roman size 12, single spaced, including a summarized firm profile, CVs of the lead and (possibly) associate consultants.

    Ø  One recent example of similar assignment report written by the applicant

    Ø  Financial proposal.

    All correspondence and submissions should be done through the Procurement email on

    Please send your completed applications not later than 18th   May, 2024.


    All documents, papers and data produced during the assessment are to be treated as SOS’s property and restricted for public use. The contracted agency/consultant will submit all original documents, materials and data to SOS CV Country office.


    SOS CV in Somalia reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever.

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