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  • VSF Germany

    Terms of Reference for Assessment of government institutions in disaster risk management capacities in Puntland.

    VSF Germany

    VSF Germany is an international Non Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. VSF Germany suppo

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Apr, 30
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Assessment/evaluation/audit
    • Location Somalia
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Masters
    • Experience 5 - 6 years
    • Salary

    Job Description

    Background and Context


    1.1 Background


    VSF Germany is an international Non-Governmental Organization providing humanitarian aid and development assistance to pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. VSF Germany implements activities in Southern Sudan, Northern Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, and Ethiopia. With a focus on livestock health, agriculture, value chain and marketing, food safety, natural resources management, Peace and Conflict, Good governance, Disasters & Emergency but also developing the capacities of communities and governmental institutions, VSF Germany works towards food security and strengthened livelihoods of pastoralist communities.

    VSF- Germany has been implementing the BMZ-funded project to enhance the livelihoods and resilience of crises-affected communities and institutions in Puntland and Jubbaland States, Somalia, through layered humanitarian and development interventions, in collaboration with the Ministry of Livestock and other stakeholders of Puntland and Jubbaland. In addition, the project will collaborate closely with other key stakeholders, including the host community, internally displaced persons (IDP), and returnees, while strengthening resilience, particularly in the livelihood and DRR sectors. Resilience-building strategies and policies are valuable for designing national disaster preparedness and contingency planning to enable the communities to improve their Disaster Risk Management and Early Warning capacity.

    1.2 Brief about the Project

    VSF- Germany has been implementing the BMZ-awarded project “Strengthening Livelihoods

    and Resilience of Crises-Affected Communities in Puntland and Jubaland States, Somalia”

    since June 2021. The project goal is to “Enhance livelihood and resilience of vulnerable crises-

    affected communities and institutions through layered humanitarian and development

    interventions. The target group to benefit from the project are the host community, Internally

    displaced persons (IDP), and returnees.

    The overall coordination and policy guidance of the project is led by the Ministry of Livestock (MoLAH) in Garowe. In addition, the project collaborated closely with other key stakeholders,

    including the Puntland Ministries of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation, Humanitarian and Disaster management.

    2.    Purpose of the task

    DRR capacity assessment for government institutions is one of the outputs of this project to inform the process of strengthening capacities of government structures in Strategies for DRR and peacebuilding for coexistence. VSF Germany is seeking an expert who can conduct this assessment. The assessment should identify the existing capacity and the gaps of the public institutions in capacity on DRR (development of disaster scenarios; hazard analysis and coping strategies; livelihoods and nutrition, security, and contingency planning capacities /coping strategies; resilience programming; early warning system). The product of the assessment will develop a DRR capacity-building strategy based on priorities identified in the evaluation by the different stakeholders.

    2.1 Specific objectives of the consultancy

    The overall objective of the assignment is to assess the capacity of government ministries to develop and implement sound plans and strategies on DRR. The specific objectives of the assignment are to assess the capacity of relevant government institutions’ staff on:

        Development of disaster scenarios;

        Hazard analysis and coping strategies;

        Rapid assessment in livelihoods and nutrition, security;

        Contingency planning capacities /coping strategies;

        Resilience programming;

        Early warning system;

        Recommending the needed tools and trainings to strengthen their ability to fulfill their mandate in managing DRR sector.

    3.    Scope and Key tasks of the consultancy

    3.1 Scope: The scope of the consultancy is to conduct an institutional capacity assessment of Ministries of Livestock (MOLAH), Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation, and Humanitarian and Disaster management regarding the above-listed objectives.

    3.3 Management structures and coordination of Government institutions:

        Review of the current organizational structures and their strategic goals.

        Level of coordination and linkages among key government departments regulating the DRR sector.

    4.    Methodology

    The consultant is advised to use participatory processes to promote maximum input from all relevant stakeholders.

    The consultant should employ both quantitative and qualitative methods for the collection of data/information; which may include but not limited to In-depth interviews, Key informant interviews, Focus group discussions, and observations.

        Comprehensive desk review of relevant documents i.e. related literature, project proposal, and related Government Policy documents and strategies for DRR.

        The consultant(s) will interact with staff of VSFG, Government institutions, and other stakeholders who play significant roles in DRR and resilience building on a sample basis.

    5.    Key outputs/ deliverables.

    5.1. Output 1: The consult(s) will submit an inception report of the execution of the assessment within five days after signing the contract in electronic version. The inception report aims to give a picture of the situation on the ground, which may require adjustment of the planned itinerary of the consultant(s), if necessary, for effective collection of data and information. The report should precisely address each specific objective and should include an executive summary (2-3 pages); Methodology; limitations of the assignment, any adjustments in the planned fieldwork, and way forward for the assessment.

    5.2. Output 2: The consultant(s) will make a draft report of findings and make a PowerPoint presentation of the whole study to the client and key partners not later than 10 days from the start of the engagement for feedback before finalizing the report.

    5.3. Output 3: The consultant(s) will produce and submit the final Report of the assignment not later than 20 days from the signing of the contract.

    Skills and Qualifications

    12.  Qualification and Experiences

        Master's degree in Disaster Risk Reduction, public policy, economics, social development studies or a related area.

        Demonstrated experience of working with donor funded projects under public sector and /or NGOs.

        A minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible experience in the field developing capacity building strategies, comprehensive training programs involving public sector.

        Knowledge in organizational policy development and implementation processes.

        Experience in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data through a range of methods.

        Fluency in English communication skills (written and verbal) is required.

        Strong interpersonal skills and ability to communicate and work well with diverse institutions.

        Ability to improve performance and satisfaction.

        Knowledge in disaster management and capacity building in the context of experience of disaster preparedness and risk management activities/projects;

        Experience in Somalia ecosystem, particularly Somalia, is a plus.

    Note: Applicants who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria shall not be considered.

    13. Confidentiality:

    All the outputs - Reports, database, etc. (any form; electronic, hard copies, etc.) from this assignment will not be disseminated to a third party, in part or whole without a written authority from VSF-Germany.


    How to apply

    Interested consultants/firms are requested to submit both technical and financial proposals not later than on Monday, 7th May, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. The proposals can be submitted through e-mail to: [email protected], with CC to: [email protected]

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