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    Terms of reference for provision of assistive devices (Eyeglasses) for children with disabilities particularly those with visual impairments.


    CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focuse

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Jun, 05
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Consultancies
    • Location Somalia
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience Unspecified
    • Salary

    Job Description

    Terms of reference for provision of assistive devices (Eyeglasses) for children with disabilities particularly those with visual impairments.



    CARE Somalia in partnership with Mercy corps, and two National partners Daryeel Bulsho Guud (DBG) and Gargar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO) are implementing Consortium based education in Emergency project funded by the Education Cannot Wait - First Emergency Respond (ECW -FER). The project seeks to improve immediate education access for the children from the vulnerable IDP families recently displaced by the prolong 2021/22 drought and renewed conflicts in South Somalia. The overall goal of the project is to expand access to safe & quality education through reduction of both supply and demand-based education barriers to increase (re)enrolment for out of school children and minimize dropouts’ rates for the   drought and conflict   affected children. The action aims to achieve the following two outcomes.

    Outcome 1: Expanded access to safe education through reduction of barriers for (re)enrolment of drought and displacement affected children to formal and non-formal education.

    Outcome 2: Protected, quality learning is ensured for children affected by drought and displacement, including integrated education - child protection programming.

    The response will cover both formal and non-formal learning centres in the project target areas and will prioritizes children who are out of school or recently dropped out of school and displaced by the ongoing crisis. As a secondary target, the project will also support host community learning centers that support the integrated enrollment of both vulnerable IDPs and host community children as well as children who are at risk of dropping out of school from both these groups in line with the do no harm principle. The action will integrate critical EiE pillars and HRP/DRP priorities, including the centrality of protection, inclusion of CVA, gender mainstreaming, enhancing safety and equity for beneficiaries and linking emergency relief to a resilience approach. Special attention is also extended to children with disabilities to ensure they benefit from the response through the adoption of Inclusive education programming approach. 

    The project seeks to target a total of 43,000 (31,000 direct and 12,000 intermediate beneficiaries) out of school or at risks of dropping out children from newly displaced families (80%) and vulnerable host communities (20%) affected by droughts and recurring conflicts.  Of these 60% will be girls and 40 % boys while 10% of the overall target (4,300) will be children living with disabilities.

    In line with Somalia HRP 2022 requirements, the project adopted the integration of Inclusive Education approach to ensure school aged CLwDs that have Special Education Needs to equally benefit from the response along with the normal ones. This will be done through mainstreaming disability inclusion across all the two outcome areas as well as increase stakeholder awareness on disability inclusion on education programs.

    The project has engaged a special need education consultant that has assessed and screened children with disabilities. As a result the consultant has identified suitable assistive devices for children with disabilities and these included 183 boys and girls that require eyeglasses/lenses  and their prescription.

    Objectives of the TOR

    The objective of this TOR is to provide suitable and eyeglasses to 183 boys and girls with visual impairments in Banadir region depending on the outcome of the screening assessment by the service provider as below list of devices breakdown.

    Skills and Qualifications

    Preferred Qualification:

    The bids must satisfy the following conditions among the minimum criteria for evaluation by being accompanied by the following documentation:   

    ·         Must be a local expert and dealer with relevant training on eyes and optician.    

    ·         Have Certified and Valid Copy of Registration Certificates/Trading Licenses from relevant Government Authority.

    ·         Proof of valid tax clearance from the Ministry of Finance

    ·         Proof of sound technical understanding of the scope of work in the form of detailed delivery and distribution plan

    ·         Bidders must provide evidence and references from clients for the previous similar supplies of assistive devices – (3 certified copies of contracts/LPOs delivered Page 2 of 4 within the last 2 years)

    ·         Two weeks lead delivery time for full supply.


    How to apply



    This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and competitive process. 

    All vendors must provide written notification via email to ([email protected]) of their intent to participate, or not to participate in the bidding process by Jun 12th  2024.

    Proposals will be accepted until Jun 12th 2024 in case you may need any clarification on the TOR you can delivered via email solely to Abdullahi Adoon (Abdullahi Adoon <[email protected]>)   no later than 10/06/2024.

    Any proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted.  All proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal.

    If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal.  Additionally, all costs included in the proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include the name and description of the organizations being contracted. 

    All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs. 

    Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP.  All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by the CARE legal department, and will include scope, budget, schedule, and other necessary items pertaining to the project.

    You must respond to every subsection including statement, question, and/or instruction without exception.

    Any verbal information obtained from, or statements made by representatives of CARE shall not be construed as in any way amending this RFP.  Only such corrections or addenda as are issued in writing by CARE to all RFP participants shall be official.  CARE will not be responsible for verbal instructions.


    CARE is issuing this RFP (Request for Proposal) soliciting qualified bidders to submit proposals intended for Terms of Reference (TOR)Procurement of Assistive Devices

    Adolescents Girls’ Education in Somalia (AGES)

    This RFP is an invitation to bid, not an offer of contract.  Bidders must submit a response that complies with the minimum requirements contained herein.


    CARE is seeking a provider to submit proposals intended for the [provide requirement description]

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