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  • Somali Women and Child Care Association (SWCCA)

    Request for Proposal for Capacity Building Program for 15 Women-Led Organizations in Somalia

    Somali Women and Child Care Association (SWCCA)

    Somali Women and Child Care Association (SWCCA) is a national, nonprofit humanitarian organization that was founded in April 2012 and registered by the Federal Government of Somalia the same year with its headquarters in

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date Mar, 02
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Consultancies
    • Location Somalia
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience Unspecified
    • Salary

    Job Description

    Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultant

    Consultancy Title: Request for Proposal for Capacity Building Program for 15 Women-Led Organizations in Somalia


    Somali Women and Child Care Association (SWCCA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the rights and well-being of women and children in Somalia. With a focus on empowerment and advocacy, SWCCA aims to strengthen the capacities of women-led organizations (WLOs) to effectively advocate for gender equality, participate in decision-making processes, and manage sustainable projects that address the needs of women and children in Somalia.


    SWCCA seeks to collaborate with a consultancy firm to implement a tailored capacity-building program for 15 women-led organizations (WLOs) in Somalia. The program aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of WLOs in the following areas:

    • Advocacy
    • Participation in decision-making processes
    • Fundraising and Proposal development
    • Project management
    • Humanitarian response and principles
    • External relations
    • Recommendations from a recently concluded capacity assessment exercise for the same 15 orgs

    Scope of Work:

    The consultancy firm is expected to design and deliver a comprehensive capacity-building program that includes:

    • Interactive workshops: Conduct workshops on advocacy, participation, fundraising, proposal development, project management, humanitarian response, and external relations. The workshops should be participatory, engaging, and tailored to the specific needs of WLOs in Somalia.
    • Mentoring sessions: Provide one-on-one mentoring sessions to support WLOs in applying the knowledge and skills gained from the workshops to their respective organizations and projects.
    • Knowledge-sharing platforms: Facilitate knowledge-sharing platforms, such as webinars, forums, or online communities, where WLOs can exchange experiences, best practices, and lessons learned.


    The consultancy firm is expected to deliver the following key outputs:

    • Inception Report: An outline of the proposed methodology, work plan, and any adjustments.
    • Customized training materials and resources for each workshop session.
    • Individualized mentoring plans for WLOs, including goals, action steps, and timelines.
    • Documentation of workshop proceedings, including presentations, participant feedback, and recommendations.
    • Regular progress reports on the implementation of the capacity-building program, highlighting achievements, challenges, and lessons learned.
    • Draft and Final report summarizing the outcomes of the program, including the impact on the capacity of WLOs and recommendations for future capacity-building initiatives.


    The capacity-building program is expected to be implemented over a maximum period of two months, starting from 6th March to 5th of May 2024.


    The consultancy firm should provide a detailed budget proposal outlining the costs associated with designing and delivering the capacity-building program, including fees, travel expenses, materials, and other relevant expenses.

    Skills and Qualifications

    Evaluation Criteria:

    Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    • Experience and expertise in designing and delivering capacity-building programs for women-led organizations or similar entities.
    • Understanding of the context and specific needs of women's rights organizations in Somalia.
    • Proposed methodology and approach for implementing the capacity-building program.
    • Qualifications and experience of key personnel involved in the project.
    • Cost-effectiveness and value for money.


    How to apply

    Interested consultancy firms are invited to submit their proposals by 6th of March Close of Business to [email protected]. Proposals should include a cover letter, technical proposal, financial proposal, and relevant supporting documents.

    Contact Information: For inquiries or clarification regarding this TOR, please contact [email protected].

    SWCCA looks forward to receiving innovative and responsive proposals from qualified consultancy firms to support the capacity development of women-led organizations in Somalia.

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