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  • Save The Childrens International


    Save The Childrens International

    Save the Children is a leading humanitarian organization for children. We've changed the lives of over 1 billion children in the U.S. and around the world. WE BELIEVE EVERY CHILD DESERVES A FUTURE. Around the

    Job Summary

    • Posted Date May, 15
    • Expire Date expired
    • Category Consultancies
    • Location Somalia
    • Type Consultant
    • Education Unspecified
    • Experience Unspecified
    • Salary

    Job Description


    Title of Consultancy


    SCI Contracting Office

    Save the Children Somalia Country Office

    Period of Consultancy

    The successful firm will be awarded a contract for the life of the project. The engagement becomes effective on the date both parties sign the contract and the frequency of the monitoring will be agreed at contracting stage.

    Consultant type required

    Consultancy Firm.

    Responsibility for Logistics arrangements and Costs

    Save the children will pay the consultant fee in a lump sum and will not reimburse any incurred costs during the assignment. The consultant will cover their own Logistical arrangements and costs; including food, accommodation and local transport and all cost associated with data collection work and whole activities.

    Taxation Provisions

    The consultancy firm shall be responsible for all taxes arising from the consultancy in line with the local Tax regulations applicable at the SCI contracting office named above.

    Travel requirements

    The consultancy firm will cover all travel costs (tickets) and arrange local travel to field sites.

    Security requirements

    The consultancy firm will comply with standard of Save the Children Security procedures, including the completion of SCI online security training prior to travel to Somalia.  




    Save the Children (SC) has been working in Somalia for the last 70 years and our long operational presence and large geographical footprint across Somalia have afforded us an in-depth understanding of the complexities of the operating environment, as well as well-established and positive working relationships with key stakeholders, including the Somali Federal Government, Federal Member State governments, donors, NGOs, civil society and the communities themselves.

    Our vision is “every child in Somalia attains the right to survival, protection, development, and participation.” Every year, hundreds of thousands of vulnerable children are supported through our multi-sectoral programs, with more than three million people benefiting directly since 2017, more than half of which were children. As one of the largest INGOs in Somalia, supporting the education sector, SC has been a key strategic partner working with the Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education (MOECHE). Recently, Save the Children has been selected as the Grant Agent for Somalia GPE Partnership Compact with the Federal Government of Somalia. Save the Children is awarded the role of Grant Agent for the implementation of the Systems Transformation Grant (STG).

    The System Transformation Grant (STG), funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), is a three-year initiative aimed at catalyzing sustainable advancements within the education sector of the Federal Government of Somalia. With a robust focus on the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP 2022-2026) and the Partnership Compact's outlined priorities, the STG endeavors to bolster primary enrollment rates, enhance literacy and numeracy, and establish a transparent and efficient financial framework. The Systems Transformation Grant (STG) program is fundamentally shaped by its core design principles, which emphasize a collaborative and inclusive approach. These principles include engaging in a participatory design process, ensuring government and local community ownership, adopting evidence-based methodologies, learning from past experiences, and working alongside other educational stakeholders. Additionally, the program strategically sequences and layers its interventions to optimize their effectiveness. In line with the ESSP (2022-2026) and Partnership Compact, the overall Systems Transformation Grant program goal is to: “Enhance equitable access to quality and inclusive education in rural and urban areas by addressing supply and demand barriers.” The program components are:

    ·         Outcome 1: Equitably increased primary gross enrolment rate.

    ·         Outcome 2: Equitably improved literacy and numeracy and completion rates.

    ·         Outcome 3: Strong regulatory and financing framework.

    ·         Outcome 4. Program Coordination, monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and communication.

    The STG program aims to significantly enhance the quality of education for 240,700 children through various interventions. One of the key objectives under Outcome 1 is to bolster the teaching workforce by introducing 3,000 new teachers, resulting in a 16% increase in teaching staff. Additionally, the program seeks to enhance teacher qualifications by adding 6,000 trained educators, raising the ratio of qualified teachers to 58%, and aiming to boost the proportion of primary female teachers by 20%. For Outcome 2, the program aims to improve student academic achievements, aiming for a 65% score in the EGRA assessment among third graders and seeking to elevate the primary school completion rate to 90% in targeted schools. These improvements are supported by robust engagement with local communities and education authorities to ensure the sustainability of program interventions. The overall program  target beneficiaries  include:

    ·         240,700 children – of which 87% are out of school; 50% are girls; 6% are children with disabilities (208,700 out of school; 120,350 girls; 14,500 children with disabilities).

    ·         6,000 teachers (of which 3,000 are new teachers and 3,000 are existing teachers in the system).

    ·         Approximately 1,400 Community Education Committees (CECs) members.

    ·         Approximately 45 government officials (DEOs, REOs, MOECHE, FMS MOEs staff).



    The purpose of this consultancy is to procure quality and robust Third-Party Monitoring services for the STG program.

    For the effective oversight and rigorous evaluation of the System Transformation Grant (STG) program, an essential element is the engagement of an independent third-party monitoring entity. This entity's primary role will be to impartially assess the program implementation, ongoing progress, and the tangible outcomes of its various components, including infrastructure projects, the distribution of capitation grants, the training of teachers, and the allocation and usage of Teaching and Learning Materials (TLM). The third-party monitoring entity will also be responsible for the verification of the program beneficiaries including teachers verification, schools verification and students verification.

    The third-party monitor will employ rigorous methodologies to gather pertinent data, ensuring that the collection process is unaffected by internal program biases or external pressures. This will involve systematic field visits to directly verify program activities, detailed interviews with a broad spectrum of stakeholders to gather diverse perspectives, and a thorough review of all program documentation. Such a comprehensive approach guarantees that data collection covers the breadth of the program's impact, from direct educational outcomes to more nuanced effects on community engagement and stakeholder satisfaction.

    By conducting both announced and surprise visits to project sites, the third-party monitor will capture a realistic snapshot of the program's execution and challenges. These field engagements will be complemented by stakeholder interviews that are structured to elicit honest and critical feedback, providing a multi-dimensional view of the program's effectiveness. Moreover, the exhaustive review of project documentation, including reports, financial records, and operational data, will support a holistic analysis of the program's adherence to planned objectives and budgetary allocations.

    The culmination of the third-party monitoring process is the production of detailed reports that articulate the findings and conclusions of the assessment. These reports are crucial for providing the Grant Agent, donors, the MOECHE, FMS MOEs and other key stakeholders with an impartial evidence of the program's successes and areas for improvement. By documenting the achievements and the challenges faced by the STG program, these reports serve as foundational tools for transparent communication, learning and strategic planning.

    The implementation of an independent third-party monitoring system underscores the commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement within the STG program. This approach will not only ensure that data collection and analysis are conducted without prejudice but also reinforce the program's integrity and its alignment with educational objectives in Somalia.


    2.2 Scope of the consultancy

    The STG will implement activities in Banadir, Jubbaland, Hirshabelle, Galmudug and Southwest State of Somalia. The third party services will involve on-site data collection in all districts/schools selected based on discussions with five FMS MOEs and BRA.



    2.3 Expected Tasks  and Deliverables


    For the third-party monitoring and verification system to function effectively within the System Transformation Grant (STG) program, a comprehensive set of deliverables is essential. These deliverables are designed to ensure impartiality, accuracy, and transparency in data collection and analysis, providing a solid foundation for monitoring the program's implementation, progress, and outcomes.

    Programmatic Activites to be verified include the following:

    ·         Verification of the quality and standards of construction and rehabilitation of 1,400 classrooms, 4 teacher training institutes and 4 MOEs office buildings. Including verification of the use of the newly constructed facilities.

    ·         Verification of distribution and use of capitation grants by 200 schools.

    ·         Verification of teachers training and coaching for 6,000 teachers through the life of the program.

    ·         The verification of the distribution and usage of Teaching and Learning Materials (TLM) targettting 240,700 children throughout the life of the program.

    ·         Verification of teachers, including 6,000 recruited teachers, verifying their deployment, school records and their retention in schools.

    ·         Verification of program beneficiaries including students in targeted schools.


    Below are the detailed deliverables required:

    ·         Monitoring plan: A detailed document outlining the methodologies, tools, and indicators for monitoring and evaluating each component of the STG program. This framework will serve as the guideline for all monitoring activities, ensuring a standardized approach across different programmatic components like construction, capitation grants, teachers verification, teachers training, and teaching and learning materials (TLM) provision. The essential references for this document will include STG’s MEL Plan and relevant evaluation policies/guidelines from both GPE and SC.

    ·         Field Visit Schedules: Detailed schedules for field visits to project sites, including dates, locations, objectives, and the personnel involved. These schedules will be designed to ensure comprehensive coverage of the STG program's components and to allow for both planned and random inspections.

    ·         Data Quality Assurance Plan: A plan outlining the procedures and checks in place to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of the collected data. This includes data validation methods, cross-verification processes, and protocols for addressing data inconsistencies.

    ·         Risk Management Plan: The operating environment of the STG program necessitates a robust risk management plan, detailing the assumptions, challenges, and risk levels anticipated throughout the project's lifecycle. This plan will include comprehensive contingency strategies for identified risks, specifically addressing child protection concerns by referencing relevant policies and outlining health and safety measures as relevant to the third-party monitoring system. The objective is to ensure a secure, effective monitoring process that aligns with project goals and safeguards all participants.

    ·         Comprehensive Monitoring Reports (Quarterly): An in-depth report compiling all data collected through the monitoring activities, including analyses of the progress, effectiveness, and impact of the STG program's interventions during the quarter. The quarterly report will include detailed findings, data visualizations, stakeholder insights, and recommendations for program improvement. This report will provide an early indication of the program's implementation status and any immediate areas of concern that require attention.

    ·         Presentation Materials for Stakeholder Briefings (bi-annually): Slide decks and other materials prepared for presenting the monitoring findings to the Program Steering Committee and Education Sector Committee (ESC) and other relevant stakeholders on a bi-annual basis. These materials will be designed to communicate the results clearly and effectively, facilitating informed discussions and decision-making.

    ·         Feedback and Improvement Plan (Quarterly): A quarterly plan summarizing stakeholder feedback on the monitoring report and outlining a plan for addressing identified issues and incorporating recommendations into the STG program's ongoing and future activities.

    ·         Generate quarterly/bi-annual/annual  factsheets from the program evidence

    ·         Produce   bi-annual/annual learning briefs from different stakeholders including policy makers.



    The consultancy will be supervised by the project MEAL manager within the Save the Children Office, with close coordination with the GPE Program Team. Regular communication and reporting mechanisms will be established to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the consultancy process.



    The successful firm will be awarded a contract for the life of the project. The engagement becomes effective on the date both parties sign the contract and the frequency of the monitoring will be agreed at contracting stage.



    In support to the consultancy to undertake the assignment, SCI will;

    ·         SC will manage the firm contract and provide the necessary support, both technical and financial.

    ·         Consultancy firm will take responsibility for accomplishing the deliverables listed above.

    ·         MOECHE and FMS MOEs – will provide all the necessary information/facilitation support to the firm that would help complete the deliverables successfully.



    All documentation related to the assignment/assessment shall remain the sole and exclusive property of FGS MOECHE, FMS MOEs, and SCI.

    Skills and Qualifications

    The following are minimum requirements for the consultancy firm to be considered for carrying out the assignment.

    ·         Extensive experience in research work and in education assessments/evaluations, complexity aware monitoring, including previous working experience in Somalia.

    ·         Knowledge in research methodologies and application of various tools including practical experience in assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community-based interventions. 

    ·         Proven experience in monitoring access challenges locations

    ·         Demonstrated experience and ability to lead experienced teams to conduct assessments in environments similar to that of Somalia.

    ·         Strong and impeccable record of confidentiality and sensitivity.

    ·         A strong capacity in data management, statistics, analytical and writing skills;

    ·         Demonstrated experience and a good track record of working with government, international organizations such as international NGOs, or the UN in Somalia.

    ·         Proven track record of  stakehold holder dialogue facilitation  expertise Strong project management skills and ability to deliver on time and budget.

    ·         Updated CVs for all consultants including relevant work experience and qualifications.

    ·         Contact details of three references.

             The consultancy firm should be duly registered in Somalia with valid registration documents.

    Review Criteria

    The consultant must meet the above-required qualifications and experience.

    ü  A cover letter addressing the selection criteria including how the consultancy’s previous experience matches the consultancy objectives as well as the interest for the assignment. It should also indicate the candidate’s availability and consultancy rates. The letter should be no longer than one pages.


    ü  A technical proposal for the third party monitoring with a detailed methodology and work plan (not more than 15 pages). Technical proposals must clearly demonstrate a nuanced comprehension of the project's objectives as detailed in the Terms of Reference. This encompasses proposing a methodological approach that is not only innovative and robust but also intricately tailored to the distinct realities of operating within Somalia. Proposed methodologies should outline pragmatic and effective strategies for engaging stakeholders, collecting data, and analyzing implementation fidelity, ensuring adaptability and effectiveness in the Somali context.


    ü  Detailed financial proposal with budget breakdown. The financial proposal will be scrutinized for its cost-effectiveness, ensuring the proposed budget is justifiable and aligned with the project's demands. It should present a cost-efficient strategy that capitalizes on local insights and resources, aiming to optimize both the impact and efficiency of the third-party monitoring system.


    ü  A sample of recently written report/work for a similar assignment. Evaluation of the consulting team's portfolio will assess the quality, creativity, accuracy, and analytical robustness of their previous systems. These sample systems should reflect the team's proficiency in generating insightful, precise, and impactful outcomes, with a strong preference for projects executed in Somalia or similar environments.


    ü  Updated CVs for all consultants including relevant work experience and qualifications. Prospective lead consultants and their teams are expected to demonstrate comprehensive qualifications and skills, with a preference for those boasting over a decade of experience designing and rolling out M&E systems within the educational sector or similar fields. The proposed team should include the technical expertise and practical experience required to deliver the scope of work





    How to apply

    Application Procedure



    Qualified Consultancy Firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposals and Lead consultant and associated personnel CVs and other relevant documentation to  [email protected]


    ·         The subject of the email should be Application for GPE STG Third Party Monitoring Services.


    ·         Emails should not exceed 15mb – if the file sizes are large, please split the submission into two emails. 


    ·         Do not copy other SCI email addresses into the email when you submit it as this will invalidate your bid.


    ·         All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.



    • Interested consultant (s) who meet the consultancy requirements are requested to submit their bid and each application package should include the above required minimum requirements.


    Only shortlisted bidders will be contacted.


    All data that will be collected should be considered as SCI properties and may not be used for other purposes.


    Closing date for Applications

    Interested consultants shall submit their applications through the above procedures on or before

     28th May 2024.

    Phone Unspecified

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