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    Terms of Reference (TOR) for Provision of In-Kind Grants for Animal Drugs in Baidoa district, Bay Region


    COOPI was founded by Father Barbieri on 15 April 1965. This is when it all started - a journey spanning more than fifty years during which COOPI and Italian international cooperation have expanded and evolved in very dif

    Tenders Summary

    • Posted Date May, 14
    • Expire Date expired
    • Location Baidoa

    Tender Description

    Terms of Reference (TOR) for Provision of In-Kind Grants for Animal Drugs in Baidoa district, Bay Region


    1.0 Organizational Context


    The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a multi-year resilience program implemented by seven 7 INGOs and 1 local NGO to tackle the challenge of recurrent droughts—and the chronic vulnerability that results—among pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and peri-urban households across Somalia. This is designed to address communities’ unique needs toward building resilient livelihoods. SomReP is currently implementing SDC phase 5 through it is partners. SDCP5 is an SDC funded program that seeks to support Somalia’s recovery and build national resilience to recurrent natural disasters.


    COOPI is implementing an SDC-funded “Consolidating Resilience gains in Somalia” Project under the SomReP consortium in Baidoa, which seeks to increase the resilience of chronically vulnerable Somali people, households, communities and systems to climatic shocks and other related risks in targeted pastoral, agro-pastoral, peri-urban and urban livelihood zones. Further the project contributes to the development of a favorable environment for the economic / social development that enhances the adaptive capacities of pastoralist & agro-pastoralist communities thus improving livelihoods conditions in these livelihood zones.


    As such, COOPI would like to engage a vendor to provide services of animal drugs distribution to PVPs in Baidoa district, which is an area of focus of the SDC phase 5 project. The supply of essential animal drugs is critical for maintaining the health and well-being of livestock populations, which are vital assets for many rural communities. The objective of this initiative is to improve the health and productivity of livestock populations by providing in-kind grants for the procurement of essential animal drugs, focusing on areas with limited access to veterinary services and supplies.


    2.0 Project Overview


    SDC phase 5 (P5) is an SDC multi-sector project to support Somalia’s recovery and build national resilience to recurrent natural disasters. Since the project’s inception, SDC P5 has achieved progress in implementation and responded to the El Nino effects. With the worsening situation born from the severe flooding along the riverine communities and overriding concerns, the SDC P5 seeks to accelerate its intervention in most affected areas. The focus is to speed up the recovery of the affected communities along the river Juba and River Shabelle. The immediate and rapid implementation of SDC phase 5 is to ameliorate currently high levels of food insecurity experienced by many rural households in Somalia. One of the project targets and objectives is to: 1) Make livelihood recovery and technical advice packages available to small-scale agro-pastoralist, nomadic pastoralist, and riverine agriculturalist communities in the most food-insecure rural areas, using an “inputs for assets” modality where appropriate or unconditionally were not or where needs are immediate.


    The livestock industry is the most significant contributor, with over 50% of the target communities depending on livestock for their livelihood in South West state. As a result of the current severe flooding as a result of Elnino, an outbreak of shoats’ diseases and other livestock disease outbreaks were reported in the local media news outlets. The episode will significantly impact the livestock market, which is already


    affected by low prices due to deteriorating body conditions and low food availability and production in the affected communities. As a result of addressing and fulfilling the above challenges, SomReP is offering veterinary support to:


    i)                     Protect the key livestock-related assets of crisis-affected communities and


    ii)                   Rebuild key livestock-related assets among crisis-affected communities. Therefore, SomReP and its IP seek to subcontract a private sector to offer veterinary support and advisory services to pastoral communities.


    3.0 Scope of Work


    Conduct PVP gap analysis:


    Initial PVP capacity gaps assessment: to identify the existing PVPs gaps, The vendor to gather with COOPI staff should participate and conduct a preliminary gap analysis in the target location. The assessment will identify the existing capacity of the CAHWS and PVPs in the target location and inform the type of support required by the CAHWS and PVPs.


    Identify and Train PVPs and Community animal health workers.


    The Vendor will train and capacitate the identified active and practising CAHWS and PVPs to serve pastoral communities. The CAHWS will be given refresher training to appropriately treat animals without harming them.


    Supply Veterinary Drugs and kits to PVPs and community animal health workers.


    The vendor will be tasked to supply quality drugs under the supervision of SomReP livestock and NRM Technical Advisor. The vendor will provide 5% of inputs purchased as a loan to the PVP.


    Expected Outcomes (Key Results Expected / Key Deliverables)


           Inception Report on the progress of the activities.


           Initial gap analysis report


           Trained PVP and community animal health workers,


           Evidence of loans provided to PVPs


           Cash sales and delivery notes


           Progress service provision and number of animals treated




           Selection of PVPs and extension worker/ CAHWS


           Train CAHWS


           Provisional of veterinary drugs and kits


           Provision of loans worth of 5% products to PVPs


           Contracting CAHWS


           Provide Animal health advisory support to beneficiaries.


           Provide early warning to beneficiaries.


           Conduct an initial gap analysis


    4.0 Qualification and Experience


    The veterinary service provider should have the following:


           Should have participated in similar livestock intervention.


           Must have extensive networks within the target areas.


           Must be a registered private company by the federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry.


           Willing to provide up to 5% of drugs in credit to PVPS and CAHWS to continue their service to pastoralists.


           Should have novel veterinary products and alternatives to the long-used drug classes.


           They should have a vast network of community animal health workers.


           At least 3 years with similar or relevant experience and engagement on animal treatment and service provision in similar arrangements.


           Sound knowledge context as well as demonstrated ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines


           Experience working with inclusive business models and partnerships with the private sector is an asset;


           At least 3 proven contracts of previous work related to this assignment.


           Certificate of Incorporation from both the FGS/Regional states & ax certificate


           Update Business Profile (Organogram, Core Service Provided, Reference contact)


           Reference letters


           Updated financial Bank statement of the past Six months.


    5.0 Project Timeline


    The Duration of the assignment is 1 month.


    How to apply

    Interest applicants who meet the requirements should submit technical and financial proposals with detailed work plan and similar POs or contracts -signed and stamped copied and the profile of the firm, registration via below email: [email protected], '[email protected]', 'Jamal' <[email protected]>


    The deadline for submitting the Bid is 15.00 hours, East African Time on 29th May 2024. Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.


    All applications MUST be submitted on or before the closing date below to be considered for the assignment.


    Only shortlisted Vendors will be contacted.

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