GREDO is an indigenous local NGO. Non-profit non-partial, non- political and voluntary organization based in Baidoa. To reach the most affected grass-root communities in Bay and Bakool regions and lower Shebelle effectively and efficiently, the necessity of local partnership in relief program appeared. Responding to the partnership need, a group of Somali intellectuals and well-wishers initiated in December 1992 a local non-governmental organization called Gargaar Relief and Development Organiza

Tender description



Gargaar Relief and Development Organization  - GREDO is national non-profit that has been working in humanitarian and development for the past 29 years plus focusing in emergency response, food security and livelihood, education, health, nutrition and WASH, protection, peace building and reconciliation.

INVITATION TO TENDER FOR Procurement of Medical SuppliesBAIDOA .

GREDO invites  qualified bidders who wish to be considered for the proposed Goods, and who meet the below listed requirements;

1.    Bank account with minimum $ 20,000 With a proof of statement for the last 6-24 months

2.    Possession of a valid registration from relevant Ministry or body and/or Ministry of Commerce and Trade licenses

I. Registration Letter or link to the site with company or original factory name listed on

Humanitarian Procurement Center (HPC)

3.    Updated company profile with the following information;

                                    I.          Similar work experience conducted, amount in USD, location and by which organization.

                                 II.          Company main office/ branch offices address, contacts/emails

                               III.          Company organogram

                              IV.          CVs of core staff including Pharmacist, Logisticians, Medical doctors or equivalent.

4.    Expiry date, Country of origin, Certificate of analysis

5.    Compliance certificate from the company or original factory with Some Major donors UKAID, USAID, ECHO and EU

6.    Previous Experience of procurement of Medical Supplier with past signed and stamp contract as evidence

7.    traceable contract payments of value comparable to estimated value of current tender

8.    Lead Time Work Plane

9.     The lowest evaluated financial proposal will be awarded the maximum commercial criteria score of 40%.

GREDO is committed to running a fair and transparent tender process and ensuring that all bidders are treated and assessed equally during this tender process. 

Bidder responses will be evaluated against nine categories of criteria: Essential Criteria, Capability Criteria, and Commercial Criteria. 

These criteria have been especially created to help GREDO determine which bidder is able to offer the best quality and most commercially competitive solution to meet our needs and deliver the most effective programming to our beneficiaries.


These are criteria will be used to evaluate the bidder’s ability, skill and experience in relation to the requirements of GREDO. All bids will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Capability Criteria, which will have been created by a committee of representatives from GREDO. Overall score of 60% will be available for these criteria. 

I) The Essential Criteria 25 %

a.      5 points Provide an Official Bank account with minimum $ 20,000 with a proof of statement for the Last 6-24 Months

b.      5 Points for the Updated company profile with the following information

c.      5 Points for the Registration Letter or link to the site with company or original factory name listed on Humanitarian Procurement Center (HPC)

d.     5 Points for The Expiry date, Country of origin, Certificate of analysis

e.     5 Points for the Compliance certificate from the company or original factory with Some Major donors UKAID, USAID, ECHO and EU

The maximum score required for capability criteria is 60% - broken down as below.

I)     Previous experience of procurment of Medical Supplies – 30%

Provide past signed and stamp contracts as evidence

30 Points for 3 or more contracts/LPO of  procurment of Medical supplies. Copies of signed and authentic contracts with official signature and stamp to be submitted

a.      20 Points for 2 contracts/LPO of purchase of Medical Supplies. Copies of signed contracts with official signature and stamp to be submitted

b.     10 points for 1 contract/LPO of dry procurment of Medical Supplies. Copies of signed contracts with official signature and stamp to be submitted

c.      0 Points for zero contracts of Procurement of Medical Supplies.

II)   Lead time/workplan (5%)

Provide the detailed work plan that the goods can be ready at your warehouse or you can deliver the goods/services to the Nairobi- Warehouse after the issue of Purchase order from the GREDO.


These criteria will be used to evaluate the commercial competitiveness of a bid. All bids which the Capability criteria will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed Commercial Criteria, which have been created by a committee of representatives from GREDO.

The lowest evaluated financial proposal will be awarded the maximum commercial criteria score of 40%.

The commercial criteria score for all other bidders which the Capability criteria will be calculated using the formula below: 


How to apply

Commercial Score =  

All Capability and Commercial Criteria will be weighted accordingly to reflect their importance. The Commercial Criteria will account for at least 40%. The Capability Criteria will account for up to 60% of the score.

1.     GREDO’s Procurement Committee will review the Bidders and their tenders to determine, in accordance with the Award Criteria, whether they will award the contract to any one of them.

2.     Incase needed hard copy companies are advised to collect a complete set of bid documents and instructions at GREDO Baidao/ Mogadishu  Office between 10:00am to 3:00pm from 05thAugust to 03th Sep-2024 ( Monday to Tuesday). Sealed bid documents MUST be returned to GREDO Baidao/ Mogadishu offices in a sealed envelope clearly stating the company name and its contact address not later than 3:00 PM on Tuesday 03thSep-2024, or send to by email to [email protected]

3.     For any query, please address via mail through: [email protected] or call: 0617715039/0615431187

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Late bids shall be rejected and no liability will be accepted for loss, late delivery or non-delivery, whatsoever. Bids shall be opened at a later date to be communicated. 

Other tenders



GREDO is an indigenous local NGO. Non-profit non-partial, non- political and voluntary organization based in Baidoa. To reach the most affected grass-root communities in Bay and Bakool regions and lower Shebelle effectively and efficiently, the necessity of local partnership in relief program appeared. Responding to the partnership need, a group of Somali intellectuals and well-wishers initiated in December 1992 a local non-governmental organization called Gargaar Relief and Development Organiza

See company details