Invitation To Bid for Construction of Roof water catchments with tanks in schools under Burao, Provision of Steel Skip bins for schools under Burao

World Vision International (WVI)
World Vision International (WVI)

World Vision International is a child-focused and community-based, relief, and development agency. World Vision Somaliland Program in the Resilience and Livelihood sector is currently implementing a project named (Reversing Land Degradation in Africa by Scaling-up Evergreen Agriculture – Regreening Africa) funded by the EU. Project Overall Objectives is to improve livelihoods, food security, and resilience to climate change by smallholder farmers in Somaliland and restore ecosystem services,

Tender description


Tender Name; Construction of Roof water catchments with tanks in schools under Burao, Provision of Steel Skip bins for schools under Burao

Tender Number: OT-FIST-001-FY23

TENDER DATE: 10th July 2023


World Vision Somaliland (WVSLD, (a non-profit making and Development Agency with projects in most parts of Somaliland/Somalia) invites tenders from registered, approved and reputable Contractors for the above works for WVS Project Construction of Roof water catchments with tanks in schools under Burao, Provision of Steel Skip bins for schools under Burao


Advert of Construction of Roof water catchments with tanks in schools under Burao, Provision of Steel Skip bins for schools under Burao

Fence and tank for school roof water catchment

Final Unpriced BOQ for Schools under Burao Roof water Catchment

Skip bins


How to apply

3.1             Bids Submission: Bids inclusive of the BOQ’s should be received at World Vision Hargeisa Office and drop the tender box or sent via email [email protected]

3.2        Submission Deadline; 4.00 pm date: 23th July, 2023

3.3        Bids should be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly indicate the tender name and number on top.

Tender Name; Construction of Roof water catchments with tanks in schools under Burao, Provision of Steel Skip bins for schools under Burao

Tender Number: OT-FISTULA-001-FY23


3.4        Tenderers may modify or withdraw their tenders by giving notice in writing before the deadline. Each tenderers modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered in accordance with the outer and inner envelopes additionally marked “MODIFICATION” and “WITHDRAWAL”, as appropriate. No tender may be modified after the deadline for submission of tenders.

3.5        Tenderers may only offer discounts to, or otherwise modify the prices of their tenders by submitting tender modifications or be included in the original tender submission.

Other tenders

World Vision International is a child-focused and community-based, relief, and development agency. World Vision Somaliland Program in the Resilience and Livelihood sector is currently implementing a project named (Reversing Land Degradation in Africa by Scaling-up Evergreen Agriculture – Regreening Africa) funded by the EU. Project Overall Objectives is to improve livelihoods, food security, and resilience to climate change by smallholder farmers in Somaliland and restore ecosystem services,

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