Tender description
Hirshabelle State of Somalia
Reference:MOECC/moecc /175/2022
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Hirshabelle State of Somalia has set aside funds to be med to cover eligible payments under the contract for which this invitation for quotation is issued.
Bidders are hereby invited to submit their price quotation using the attached Quotation Submission (Form A) and Schedule of Requirements and Prices (Form B)for supplying all the goods as described in the Specifications.
All quotations are to be submitted.
In one original plus two copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes marked “Quotation No. MoEcc/175/2022forprocurement of efficient cook-stoves for the ministry of Environment and climate change Hirshabelle state of Somalia (the Ministries’ buildings).
1. Deadline for submission will be on16th,November 2022at11:59pm local time.
Quotations will be opened promptly thereafter..
How to apply
1. Deadline for submission will be on16th,November 2022at11:59pm local time. Quotations will be opened promptly thereafter..
2. Eligibility licences from the ministry of environment and climate change Hirshabelle state of Somalia (registration quires Call (0617969963)
3. Quotation shall remain valid for a period of notlessthan 30 days after the deadline for submission.
4. Evaluation and selection will be based on the lowest price of those bids which meet the specified requirements as well as MOECC Hirshabele State of Somalia’s satisfactory completion of reference checks on the preferred bidder. If a negative reference is obtained, MOECC reserves the right to reject the bidder for award.
5. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Hirshabelle State of Somalia reserves the right the time of contract award to increase or decrease up to fifteen percent (I5%)of the quantity of the good’s originally specified in the requirements for each lot without any change in unit price or other terms or conditions and this shall be reflected in the form of contract.
6. Quotations not opened at the opening shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
7. The Bidder whose bid is accepted will be notified forth award of contract by MOECC Hirshabele prior to expiration of the quotation validity period.
8. Notwithstanding the above, moecc-hss has the right to accept any quotations and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of contract.
9. In case of any question or clarifications about this bid please contact