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    Call For Offers for Provision for Identification, Selection, Verification and Registration of Project Beneficiaries for the GIZ SEPOW Project in Kismayo, Somalia


    As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. Together with our commissi

    Tenders Summary

    • Posted Date Jul, 30
    • Expire Date expired
    • Location Kismayo

    Tender Description


    Provision for Identification, Selection, Verification and Registration of Project Beneficiaries for the GIZ SEPOW Project in Kismayo, Somalia


    The project “Strengthening the socio-economic participation of women in Kismayo” is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and funded under the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) special initiative on ‘Refugees and Host Countries’. The initiative has the overarching development policy objective of supporting refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) & host communities as well as mitigating structural causes of displacement such as poverty, inequality or food insecurity. SEPOW’s main objective is to improve the socio-economic participation of multidimensionally poor female-headed households from IDPs, returnees and host communities in selected neighborhoods in Kismayo town of Lower Juba, Somalia. This is achieved through a graduation approach, leveraging a combination of measures including the development of individual socio-economic competences, availing group-specific social resources to reduce constraints and barriers that hinder the socio-economic participation of the target groups, structure formation, as well as strengthening the capacities of relevant state and non-state actors to implement measures of activating sustainable social protection. 


    The project promotes the social-economic inclusion of target households through four outputs: 


    1.     Individual capabilities to meet the basic needs of women-headed households have improved (core-activities: 18-month cash transfers, 4–6-month literacy & numeracy trainings). 

    2.     The conditions for social participation of women-headed households are strengthened (core activities: coaching, saving, health & nutrition sensitization through self-help groups, provision of quality childcare during project activities). 

    3.     The capacity of women-headed households in Kismayo to generate their own income has improved (core activities: initial business skills training, productive skills training, asset transfer, sustained business mentoring, access to finance). 

    4.     Relevant government and other key stakeholders in Kismayo are empowered to design and implement social protection programs. 

    Scope of assignment

    GIZ SEPOW is looking to engage a service provider (SP) that will play an important role in the beneficiary targeting, including but not limited to the surveying, profiling and registration of 450 households as project beneficiaries from women-led multi-dimensionally poor households in IDPs, returnees and host communities, selected from geographical locations already shortlisted by SEPOW. The surveyor is expected to apply best practices in data quality assurance. Additionally, GIZ and its government partners will randomly cross check survey results and an independent third actor will run a baseline to eliminate exclusion errors.   

    Together with target community and their representatives, SEPOW will define robust targeting criteria, that will be used to select ultra-poor women-led households. The SP will be responsible for conducting a full door to door survey in select locations that captures eligible potential beneficiary households, vetting identified households, and registration of the final 450 households. The SP will carry out community mobilisation and communication, including developing and disseminating informational materials aimed at creating awareness of the SEPOW project and the targeting process, as well as putting in place a reporting platform where grievances and feedback on the process will be received and addressed, for the duration of this assignment. In all parts of the assignment strong communication with the GIZ team on the ground will be essential.

    Call for Bids

    GIZ is therefore seeking a Service Provider that will be responsible for providing the following services:

    1.     Conduct a full door to door household survey, profiling and beneficiary registration,

    2.     Develop and execute a context appropriate community mobilisation and communication plan,

    3.     Establish a grievance response mechanism for the duration of the targeting,

    4.     Document the targeting process and lessons learned.


    How to apply

    Interested firms/companies should send a blank email with tender reference 83470026 in the subject line to [email protected] between 30.07.2024 – 04.08.2024.

    You will receive tender documents with further information on 05.08.2024 thereafter no documents will be shared.

    Clarification request must be sent through the email ([email protected]) by 07.08.2024 to be responded to via email by 09.08.2024.

    kindly submit your signed and stamped complete Technical and Financial proposal in PDF format in two separate emails with ‘tender number 83470026 clearly indicated on the email subject to [email protected].

    Tuesday to Sunday.

    Deadline for Submission: 18.08.2024 @midnight 

    Failure to meet the deadline will lead to automatic disqualification.

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