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  • Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS)


    Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS)

    Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) is a humanitarian organization that strives to assist and empower communities in need, regardless of their place or origin, color or ethnic group. QRC was established in 1978 and joined

    Tenders Summary

    • Posted Date Jul, 31
    • Expire Date expired
    • Location Kismayo

    Tender Description

    Qatar Red Crescent society (QRCs)




    Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) is a humanitarian organization that strives to assist and empower communities in need, regardless of their place or origin, color, or ethnic group. QRCS was established in 1978 and operates both locally and internationally and has ongoing relief and development projects in several countries. It specializes and provides training in International Humanitarian Law, Disaster Management and Emergency Medical Care and its current strategy covers four areas of work: Disaster Preparedness and Response, Health and Care, Social Rehabilitation and Preserving Human Dignity, and Self Capacity-Building. As a member of the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent, it abides by the seven fundamental principles of humanitarian work, which are: Humanity, Impartiality, Independence, Neutrality, Unity, Universality, and Voluntary Service.

    Project Background:

    Clean and safe water is essential for life. The climatic shocks in Kismayu have caused a severe water shortage leading to use of contaminated water, which, coupled with poor hygiene practices, has led to widespread outbreaks of water-borne diseases such as acute watery diarrhea and cholera in New Qamqam and Istanbuul IDP camps.

    Due to the water shortage, water prices have skyrocketed making it difficult for the most vulnerable to access safe water. Water scarcity has also led to a high water related morbidity and mortality rates. Many households, usually women and girls, walk long distances to access water, increasing their exposure to protection risks. To respond to this crisis, QRCS will support 1000 households in New Qamqam and Istanbuul IDP camps with 45 liters of water per day through emergency water trucking for 2 months (60 days). During the activity implementation, QRCS will mitigate the risks of exclusion and denial of assistance by ensuring access to assistance in safety and dignity, with beneficiary selection based on vulnerability analysis.

    Activity Objective:

    Provision of emergency water supply to 1000 IDP HHs- 6000 beneficiaries (women-1200, Girl- 2100, Men-900 and boys- 1800) in New Qamqam (3,500) and Istanbul IDP camps (2500) for 2 months (60 days). 



    Key quality-benchmarks the service-provider/vendor to maintain.

    ·         Water will be only trucked from a proven borehole with safe and quality; maintained water system that has enough yield to cover demands of communities and as well as with less time of queuing.

    ·         Volume of 1 tanker to be 40 barrels (8 cubic meters), any tanker less than 83 of water will not be allowed and herein will result a disqualification, above calculations on table 01: is based on a viable factor drifted from tankers with unit volume of 40 barrels and minimum standards of SHPERE and WASH Cluster parameters in emergencies. Whereas any tanker with less volume (40 barrels) would cause a genuine miss-match.

    ·         QRCS will perform a continuous supervision (daily-basis) of which 3 quality benchmarks will be considered; a) taste b) adore and c) color. Any tracked water which fails to meet those standards is largely unacceptable and will be re-trucked to: qualifying potable water.

    ·         QRCS is a timing-sensitive organization; Vendor’s queuing time at the water source should not be longer than determined; all daily designated water-tankers should be available at the same time.

    NB: Any water trucked from an open conduit reservoir (Berkads, earth dams, haffir dams, shallow wells etc.) will not be allowed and this will result a total disqualification. QRCS will supervise the source and will stablish a log (Supervisory log) on the source to main good quality.


    How to apply

    Submit your bid via Hard copy delivery at QRCS, - Mogadishu Office at by 6th of August, 2024 before 16.00 pm.

    Please note that proposals should be submitted in two distinct/separate attachments, namely Mandatory Requirement and Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified)

    More information contact [email protected] or Tel: 0616989691:

    Envelope Technical write: TENDER NOTICE REF: QRCs/SHF/0004/2024

    Envelope Financial write: TENDER NOTICE REF: QRCs/SHF/0004/2024

    Bids received after the deadline shall not be considered.

    Office location: Airport Road Next to Qatar Embassy Madina gate Airport Entrance in Wadajir District Mogadishu- Somalia

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