Terms of Reference (TOR) for Procurement of Hygiene Kits in Jariiban District of Puntland, Somalia


CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focused on fighting global poverty. CARE tackles the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice in order to deliver lasting change in the lives of poor and vulnerable people. We believe that at its root, poverty is caused by unequal power relations that result in inequitable

Tender description

Terms of Reference (TOR) for Procurement of Hygiene Kits in Jariiban District of Puntland, Somalia

Project Name:  Jariban Emergency WASH Services


  • Somalia has been facing severe consequences of drought associated with subsequent rain failures over the last four seasons. Over 7.1 million people are experiencing acute food insecurity, IPC 3 and above, between June and September 2022, including 4.7 million facing Crisis (IPC 3), 2.1 million people facing Emergency (IPC 4) and more than 213’000 facing Catastrophe (IPC 5). According to the Somalia national WASH cluster, an estimated 6.4 million people lack sufficient access to water with many people resorting to the use of untreated water from shallow wells and dwindling rivers, increasing public health risks (WASH Cluster Somalia Drought update 13th October 2022). Drought conditions continue in most parts of Somalia with high water shortages and inadequate access to sanitation facilities giving rise to the potential for increased risks of disease outbreaks, especially in IDP camps and in drought affected areas. The ministry of health federal government of Somalia AWD/Cholera weekly epidemiological report EPI Week 40 (03-09 October 2022 indicates that the number of cholera cumulative cases in Somalia currently stands at 11,034. The outbreak is related to the increased proportion of drought affected populations with no access to safe water supplies and sanitation caused by the drought.

About the Project

In response to the effects of drought affected populations in Jariban district, Puntland, CARE International secured a six months (6) WASH Emergency intervention project (Jariban Emergency WASH Services), funded by Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF). As part of the Jariban Emergency WASH Services project, the organization is planning to distribute 800 WASH NFIs including a menstrual hygiene management set. The components of this kit will ensure continued and increased access to basic and essential materials and expected to bridge the immediate hygiene needs of the vulnerable target population under the Jariban Emergency WASH Services.

Project objectives

The project overall objective is to save lives through the provision of equitable access to quality lifesaving WASH services to the most vulnerable drought affected communities in the proposed target locations. CARE plans to implement an emergency WASH response to respond to the needs of the affected Women, Boys, Girls and vulnerable rural populations. in Jariban and Mudug region. The project which will run for 6 months aims to support 14,000 individuals comprising of vulnerable rural host communities and pastoralists drop out households who were displaced by the drought. The projects’ aims to strengthen the response capacity of the affected households to respond to the effects of the ongoing drought. The purchasing power of the households in the target locations has been severely eroded by the drought because of losing their livestock to the drought and are currently not able to access basic household needs including adequate access to water, WASH NFIs among other essential household needs. The expected results of the project include;(i) Improved access to safe and adequate water for the target households thought the rehabilitation of high yielding strategic boreholes(ii)The installation of solar as an alternative energy source will cushion both borehole operators and the water users by reducing the running costs and enhance water access at a time when water demand for both human and livestock populations are high(iii)The construction of household latrines will not only help in the reduction in the incidences of hygiene related diseases but also enhance protection and safeguarding for women and girls (vi).The distribution of WASH NFIs will help the targeted households improve their hygiene standards and promote.

In relation to the proposed project activities CARE expects the supply of high-quality products from the successful vendor/s and a complete supply of the proposed kit contents as specified in the realization of value for money. This will benefit a total of 800 HH's (4,800 individuals). The kit contents are in conformity with the Somalia WASH/protection cluster standards. The content of the kits as per the Cluster standard, each hygiene kit must contain the following items including the packaging:


How to apply

Tender Submissions

Bids shall be delivered along with the following documents for preliminary evaluation:

  1. Updated company profile
  2. Valid business certificate from the Ministry of Commerce
  3. Tax Clearance from the Ministry of Finance – original (per individual tender)
  4. Registration Certificate from Puntland tender Board (QR Code supported)   
  5. Prove/Evidence of experience for similar works preferably hygiene supply contracts/POs
  6. Proof of financial capacity such as a bank statement (valid/stamped, enough to implement the project, and has been active for the last six months)

This tender process will be conducted using CARE’s sealed tender process, and it is open to all interested and qualified contractors/suppliers.

All completed tender documents must be hand delivered and deposited in a sealed envelope titled “Hygiene Kit” in the tender box located at the CARE office in Garowe (WDJ-ZC1-035) no later than 8 February 2023.

For any unclear inquiries please contact [email protected]

Tenders with insufficient/partial information and those received after the closing date mentioned in the tender advertisement will be considered invalid.

CARE International – Somalia reserves the right to accept or reject any application in whole or part without giving reasons for rejection or acceptance.

Other tenders



CARE is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is one of the largest and oldest humanitarian aid organizations focused on fighting global poverty. CARE tackles the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice in order to deliver lasting change in the lives of poor and vulnerable people. We believe that at its root, poverty is caused by unequal power relations that result in inequitable

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