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  • World Vision International (WVI)

    Request For Proposal Continental Study On The Role Of Faith Leaders In Ending Child Marriage And Female Genital Mutilation In Africa

    World Vision International (WVI)

    World Vision International is a child-focused and community-based, relief, and development agency. World Vision Somaliland Program in the Resilience and Livelihood sector is currently implementing a project named (Revers

    Tenders Summary

    • Posted Date Jun, 03
    • Expire Date expired
    • Location Somalia

    Tender Description

    Terms of Reference

    Request for Proposal Continental Study on the Role of Faith Leaders in Ending Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation in Africa

    1. Introduction

    The African Union (AU) and World Vision International (WVI) require the services of a consultant to research and develop a comprehensive report on the Role of Faith Leaders in Ending Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation in Africa.

    WVI and the AU signed an MOU on 28 November 2016 and is currently being extended. The objectives of the MOU are to promote the rights and welfare of the child, and to ensure children have access to education, social development, health and child protection. The basis for cooperation is the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (the Charter), AU Agenda 2040 An Africa Fit for Children, AU Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The role of WVI is to popularize the Charter, create awareness on child rights, implement innovative programmes, share data and information, provide technical support and provide capacity building on child rights. Similarly, the role of the AU is to collaborate on research and advocacy, share reports, decisions, and declarations, conduct joint training and allow access to premises.

    The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 38th Ordinary Session was held virtually between 15-26 November 2021. The Session was attended by representatives of Member States, UN Agencies, CSOs and children. Dr. Daniel Muvengi, WVI Faith and Development Director presented on the study on The Role of Faith Leaders in Ending Child Marriage and FGM under Item 16 page 25. This was well received by the Committee.

    1. Background

    World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. We serve all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

    For more than 50 years, WVI has partnered with communities in East, West and Southern Africa, from rural agricultural villages, to disaster, conflict and fragile contexts. Our decades of experience have taught us that the most effective way to transform lives is through a holistic approach. Our ultimate goal is to ensure all children are cared for, protected, educated and feel loved. In Africa, World Vision’s transformative development initiatives are spread across 26 countries in East, West and South Africa regions (see annex 1)

    The AU is the precursor the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and is an intergovernmental organisation established to promote unity and solidarity of African states, to spur economic development and international cooperation in line with Agenda 2063. [1] The African Union Commission (AUC) is the secretariat and undertakes the day to day activities of the Union. It is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Its functions, include representing the AU and, under the guidance of the assembly and Executive Council. It also initiates proposals for the AU organs and implements their decisions. It monitors and guides the AU’s performance in line with agreed strategies and programmes, implementing their decisions and providing operational support to implement policies, strategies, programmes and assists member states to implement AU decisions and drafts AU common positions.

    The AU has six commissions and the most relevant to the research under review is the Commission on Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS).

    1. Research Study Target audience

    The research findings are the ownership of the AU and WVI entities and the AU. The findings will also be shared externally with various relevant stakeholders, faith leaders, member states, development partners, donors, UN agencies and civil society organisations. It is important to understand that AU and WV staff will be engaged in all the research processes, from planning, to acting as respondents and feedback provision. The study results will provide recommendations in closing up identified gaps to ensure optimal outcomes to end child marriage and FGM.

    1. Objectives and Scope

    The objective of the consultancy is twofold: i) review the progress made, challenges and lessons learned in the role of faith leaders in ending CM and FGM ii) and provide succinct recommendations on engaging faith leaders in ending CM and FGM.

    The duration of the consultancy is for 60 working days. Consultations will be with the AU, Committee members, Committee Secretariat, WVI, faith leaders, government officials from ministries, departments or agencies, UNICEF, UNFPA, donors and community leaders. Targeted WV and AU staff will provide crucial information. Analysis of documents, reports and the discussions will culminate in the continental study.

    1. Sources of data

    Primary data will be sourced from the WVI, AU, faith leaders, government officials from ministries, departments or agencies, UNICEF, UNFPA, donors and community leaders. This can be through key informants' interviews, focus group discussions or a survey depending on the methodology that will be agreed upon. Secondary data will be accessed from literature review and document analysis.

    1. Proposed Work Schedule
      1. Develop an inception report with the proposed methodology and work implementation plan.
      2. Hold an inception meeting to discuss and agree on the methodology and fine tune the work schedule.
      3. Confirm with WV and AU the format, length and content required for their respective reports.
      4. Schedule bimonthly meetings with the Committee and WV team. Prepare action points from each meeting and incorporate the recommendations in the study.
      5. Carry out a literature review.
      6. Agree on the plan of action.
      7. Collect primary and secondary data for the reports.
      8. Prepare the 1st draft. Incorporate comments for consecutive drafts. Note that payment will be in two installments only. Firstly, after successful completion of the 1st draft which incorporates the comments received from the Advisory Team. Secondly, after completion of the final study report.
      9. Organize a validation workshop with representatives from the AU, WVI, faith leaders, government officials from ministries, departments or agencies, UNICEF, UNFPA, donors and community leaders.
      10. Prepare the final draft with input from the validation workshop.
      11. Complete the study.
      12. Edit the report and publish in line with branding standards of the AU and WV.
    2. Outcomes
      1. The inception report discussed and accepted by WV and AU.
      2. The draft hard and soft copies of the study for WVI and AU.
      3. A validation workshop with WV and AU to discuss the report and provide input.
      4. Final study report based on the format, length and content required by WV and the AU.
      5. Interview notes
      6. Journals from stakeholders
      7. Tools for data collection
      8. Copies of raw data
      9. Log(s) of data analysis process. Note that this applies whether the consultant choses to use qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods.
      10. A short summary of the lessons learnt in the process.
    3. Deliverables for the Continental Study
      1. Produce an inception report which articulate a clear methodology, tools to be used to collect data which include questions, key informants, sampling and work plan for data collection
      2. Produce a well written report that will showcase the current situation when it comes to the role of faith leaders on ending harmful practices (child marriage and FGM) and also violence against children. It should be backed by facts and data from both primary and secondary sources that show the current situation in Africa by country in the sample when it comes to what faith leaders are doing and when it comes to violence against children.
      3. Document 10 case studies (about 3 per region i.e. EAR, WAR and SAR) that show successes of faith leaders in addressing harmful practices against children and what the impact has been
      4. Show the current gaps that exist when it comes to faith leaders role in addressing and preventing violence against children and the challenges faced in trying to address the gaps.
      5. Demonstrate to what extent children are being involved at the national level in different countries and to what level their voices are being incorporated into the national development agendas in the continent. For example, amplifying the voice of children in the parliament, incorporating their views in draft laws, and children’s parliaments.
      6. Document what the faith leaders feel should be done to amplify their voices and help them become more successful in their role when it comes to ending harmful practices against children and addressing children in situations of conflict. For instance, champions on ending violence against children should be recognized and awarded.
      7. Document what faith leaders and countries should do to influence policy and calls for social accountability by national governments, RECs and AUC using citizen voice and action (CVA) or social accountability data.
      8. The inception and final report should be produced in both English and French languages. Note that translation from English to French will be done by WVI and the Committee.
    4. Educational qualifications and Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required
    • Masters in child rights studies, development studies, international development, sociology and other related field is required. A Doctorate would be an asset,
    • At least 10 years in child rights advocacy, ending violence against children especially CM and FGM.
    • Knowledge of and experience with the AU and International NGOs is an asset.
    • Excellent written and oral English communication skills
    • Ability to work with senior leadership in diverse organisations
    • Demonstration of previous experience in preparing commissioned reports for intergovernmental organisations e.g. the AU would be an asset.
    • Demonstration of a record of research publications.
    • Experience in research on ending child marriage and FGM including national and or global situation analysis of children and women.
    1. Limitations

    The limitations of the study might be disruption of data collection due to COVID-19

    but they will be mitigated for against in the best possible e.g. use of virtual tools.

    1. Authority and Responsibility
      1. Team members and Roles

    The Consultant is expected to spearhead the whole process of conducting the study working closely with the AU and WV advisory team. The roles and responsibilities are as follows;

    • Research planning
    • Develop study methodology, sampling, tools and protocols of data collection such as focus group discussion guide and key informant interview protocol and criteria of selection of key informants.
    • Carry out data collection or interviews
    • Carry out data analysis
    • Report writing
    • Prepare a schedule or work-plan for all processes to take place.
    • Compile the draft and final report within the scheduled time.
    • Present the report to the AU and WVI Senior Leadership.
      1. Advisory Team

    The AU and World Vision will provide supervision of the consultant and an advisory role by providing technical support in order to achieve the best and expected results at the end of the study. (See Annex 2)

    1. Logistics

    The Consultant will be expected to arrange the logistics before and during the study. The activities will include, amongst others; engagement in data collection whether virtual or in person to collect qualitative and quantitative data and information.

    1. Proposal Requirements (maximum 8 pages)
    • CV (maximum 3 pages) outlining relevant consultancy work experience and 3 references (include full names, organization, position, email and phone numbers)
    • A summary of your relevant experience for the assignment.
    • A brief description (technical proposal) of how you will undertake this consultancy based on the TOR.
    • An itemized budget for financial proposal. Note that payment will be in two installments only. Firstly, after successful completion of the 1st draft report of the study which incorporates the comments received from the Advisory Team. Secondly, after completion of the final study report and approval or validation of the report.
    • WV is responsible for the budget and payment.
    1. General requirements
    • PIN registration
    • Tax compliance certificate
    • References from at least two clients of the nature of WVI and the AU where you have carried out a similar assignment

    Submit your proposal by 15 June 2022 17:00hrs to [email protected].

    Annex 1: Countries where WVI Operates in East, Southern and West Africa



    WV East Africa Region (EAR)






    South Sudan




    9 Countries in EAR

    WV Southern Africa Region (SAR)


    DR Congo





    South Africa



    9 Countries in SAR

    WV West Africa Region (SAR)

    Burkina Faso

    Central African Republic







    Sierra Leone

    9 Countries in WAR

    Annex 2: Advisory Team

    The Advisory Team is composed of the AU and WV. Their role and responsibilities include:

    1. Review, agreement and approval of the TOR.
    2. Select the Consultant.
    3. Provide oversight, leadership and technical support for the Consultant.
    4. Meet monthly with the Consultant to understand progress, challenges and achievements against the plan of action.
    5. Approve the inception report, draft and final reports.
    6. Review and agree on the plan of action.
    7. Approve the methodology.
    8. Provide the template for the report in line with the communications and branding guidelines of the AU and WV.


    Mandatory Requirements

    • Provide a certified copy of business registration(company/organization)
    • Provide a certified copy of tax registration
    • Successful bidder will be required to sign World Vision Supplier Code of Conduct form

    Technical Proposal Evaluation

    Applicants need to clearly articulate on the following, but not limited to: -

    • A cover letter outlining the suitability of the service provider in providing the required consultancy and summarizing relevant skills and experience
    • A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following;
    • Consultant/Company profile
    • Consultancy deliverables and schedule
    • Detailed CVs of key personnel who will be conducting the consultancy (including any formal qualifications)
    • Demonstrated previous experience in similar consultancy
    • At least 3 References including names and contact information from previous clients

    Financial Proposal Evaluation

    • Provide a financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs quoted in USD. Applicable tax amount must be clearly stipulated and separated from the base costs.
    • Payment Terms
    • Credit Period

    Financial proposal should not be part of the technical proposal; it should be a separate document.


    How to apply

    Interested and qualified individuals and firms should submit their CV with a Technical and Financial proposal in English and by email to [email protected] on or before 15th June 2022 17:00hrs

    Proposals should be submitted in three distinct/separate attachments, namely Mandatory Requirements, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal. Email title should be: - “Request for Proposal Continental Study on the Role of Faith Leaders in Ending Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation in Africa”.

    Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.

    *Other materials deemed to be relevant to the proposal may be attached as annexes.

    [1] African Union Handbook 8th Edition 2021 available at [accessed on 14-02-22]






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