Tender description
Your bid MUST clearly indicate validity period of the tender offer price.
Further Information to bidders:
- Currency of offer should be strictly in US Dollars.
- ADRA does not undertake to pay before delivery or in advance of delivery completion.
- Incomplete offers or offers which do not comply with any of our tender conditions will not be considered.
- Quotations should remain valid for a period of at least 60 calendar days after closure of the tender.
- It is the Agency’s policy to keep all tender values in confidence.
- ADRA reserves the right to accept or reject any offer before the award of a contract, or to cancel the bidding process and reject all offers at any time and is not bound to give reasons for its decisions. Canvassing or giving false information will lead to automatic disqualification.
- ADRA will pay the supplier upon full delivery or as will be defined in the signed contracts.
ADRA Somalia
Invitation to Tender- Supply and Delivery of Grade12 Textbooks
How to apply
Completed, signed and stamped tender documents should be scanned and saved in PDF format and sent by email to: [email protected]
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