Terms Of Reference for Qualitative Evaluation Of The 2023 Somalia Drought Intervention Funded Through Start Network

Start Network
Start Network

We are tackling what we believe are the biggest systemic problems that the humanitarian sector faces. Start Network’s vision is for a locally-led humanitarian system that is accountable to people affected by and at-risk of crises. We aim to achieve this vision by making systemic-level shifts in the way humanitarian assistance is approached and delivered. To achieve this, we need a substantial change to the current structure evolving from the centralised structure of today to a dispersed, global

Job description





1.1       PURPOSE

Start Network is made up of more than 80 aid agencies across five continents, ranging from large international organizations to national NGOs. Together, our aim is to transform humanitarian action through innovation, fast funding, early action, and localization.

We're tackling what we believe are the biggest systemic problems that the sector faces – problems including slow and reactive funding, centralized decision-making, and an aversion to change, which means that people affected by crises around the world, do not receive the best help fast enough, and needless suffering results.

We believe that a more balanced international aid system, which shifts power to those closest to the front line, will generate more effective and appropriate responses for people affected by crises.

Our innovative funding mechanisms enable fast and early action to tackle the kind of crises that are often overlooked by other funding mechanisms. Our risk financing pilots are introducing new ways of working that can save even more lives. New ways of working are needed to tackle the challenges we face. By innovating collectively, we can share expertise, insights, and perspectives to shape a more effective humanitarian system.

Start Network is working to create a system in which:

  • Response to crises will be defined by those closest to them based on humanitarian needs.
  • Early and predictable funding will reduce the impact of crises and the cost of responses.
  • A diverse group of organizations works together to adapt to the needs of people affected by crises.


In order to bring early and predictable risk financing to a growing number of at-risk people, the Start Network has developed and experimented with a wide range of tools and approaches. These enable humanitarians to analyse risks, access early funding, and implement mitigation activities at the community level more effectively.

Two key mechanisms we have developed are the Crisis Anticipation Window, which enables Start Network members to access rapid funding after a humanitarian crisis has been forecasted. Here Start Network members are given advisory training and support on

accessing and interpreting dynamic risk and vulnerability information, to make robust funding requests. Decisions on which crises to fund anticipatory interventions for are made by groups composed of senior humanitarians from across our network, with additional information from FOREWARN, our network of forecasting experts.

The second key mechanism we have developed is a disaster risk financing approach through Start Ready, which combines scientific modelling for pre-determined triggers, pre-agreed financing, and contingency planning, for humanitarian action when a crisis looks likely.

Start Network is also part of the ARC Replica program. Founded by the Africa Risk Capacity Group, ARC Replica is an innovative financing scheme that enables rapid humanitarian funding to programs providing emergency assistance to at-risk communities in Africa.

1.3       CONTEXT

Somalia has experienced 5 consecutive failed rainy seasons with far-reaching consequences for its population which mostly depends on rainfed agriculture. With 83% of the estimated 17.1 million population dependent on agriculture, an estimated 5.6 million people faced crisis or worse food insecurity (IPC level 3 or above) in the October to December 2022 period, with hunger doubling across the period of 2022; “In September 2022, the Famine Review Committee identified a risk of famine for several population groups in Bay Region. Timely and adequate scale-up and expansion of coverage by humanitarian actors in Somalia helped avert famine in the last quarter of 2022.1”

Through this year’s ARC Replica payout in Somalia which is part of a collaboration between the Federal Government of Somalia, African Risk Capacity, Start Network, and with premium financing from the UK Government as well as a Start Ready trigger, a total of USD $ 4.2 million was released to Start Network members and their partners, with US$3.38 million coming through the Start Network ARC Replica Programme. This is being supplemented by GBP £700,000 from Start Network’s Start Ready program. Start Network is working with its international and local partners in Somalia, Save the Children, Oxfam, World Vision as well as Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO), and Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC), members of the incoming Start Network Somali Humanitarian Hub (SHH) and Peace Action Society Organisation for Somalia (PASOS), a partner to World Vision, to distribute cash assistance to communities affected by drought.

Anticipatory and early actions have been used in multiple contexts to mitigate the effects of a predicted oncoming drought, with Start Network funding activities that aim to improve food security and minimize loss of life, livelihoods, and reduce the use of

negative coping strategies. The case of Somalia however is different in multiple ways; not just because of the multiple consecutive failed rainy seasons, but also due to the protracted and complex nature of the crisis. Drought itself typically has multiple drivers but on top of that Somalia has been experiencing the effects of locusts, conflict, Covid, and its lasting effects on the market, as well as rising food prices and other market factors2. Given this complexity, Start Network is looking to conduct a qualitative study to assess if, and how, the funded interventions contributed towards improved household food security and livelihoods for those it reached, and under what circumstances this may have occurred – as well as to understand from a community-led perspective the value of season-based action for food insecurity.



Skills and qualifications

The consultant should have the following skills and qualifications:
●Advanced university degree in disaster risk reduction and/or management, business
administration, economics, statistics, development studies, or other related discipline.
●At least five (5) years of experience in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methods and
approaches (including quantitative, qualitative, and participatory); planning, design, and
implementation of M&E systems; research; and report writing.
●Proven experience in disaster risk reduction and management; Experience with Early or
Anticipatory action is an asset.
●Experience conducting evaluation and research in Eastern Africa, preferably in Somalia.
●Knowledge and experience with qualitative and theory-based evaluation methods
●Understanding and knowledge of basic computer applications such as MS Word, Excel, and
database management. Knowledge of statistical software like STATA, R, or Python.
●Excellent writing and analytical skills in drafting concept notes and reports


How to apply


2.1       TIMESCALES

Bidders are requested to review and respond to sections 3 and 4, with completed sections and requested documents submitted via email (no hard copies required) to [email protected] and [email protected]

Deadline for submission:        Saturday 9th September 2023 17:00 BST


This Request for Proposal (RFP) does not constitute an offer and Start Network does not bind itself to accept any proposal. Start Network reserves the right to accept a proposal in part, rather than in full. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

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Start Network
Start Network


We are tackling what we believe are the biggest systemic problems that the humanitarian sector faces. Start Network’s vision is for a locally-led humanitarian system that is accountable to people affected by and at-risk of crises. We aim to achieve this vision by making systemic-level shifts in the way humanitarian assistance is approached and delivered. To achieve this, we need a substantial change to the current structure evolving from the centralised structure of today to a dispersed, global

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